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  1. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    lol my dad and i are like best friends, and he's beat my ass many a time. with a belt, with his hand, back handed me across the face. i was a terrible little kid, yet my dad is still one of my favorite people in this world. we smoke together, we can just sit and talk for hours about anything... :)
  2. Urca

    Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

    lol well here's a history lesson for you... until about 1100, marriage was CIVIL contract, no church involvement. then, bam, the catholic church takes over marriage CEREMONY. still, its a fairly modern thing to have marriages for love, not for personal gain. And just because traditionally a...
  3. Urca

    I spoke too soon

    so my face is getting somewhat better, the actual "rash" part is going away, and the pain too, but now i have this dry, dry, flaky skin on my face... ugh. i remember when my skin was really soft and clear :(
  4. Urca

    Having Kids?Your Thoughts

    lol that made me giggle, but good for your mom.
  5. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    you actually think i'd call the cops on my mom?? yeah it hurts to get hit, but soo many people have it worse, and it doesnt happen that often. like what, 1-3 a month? not even bad. ill even admit she puts up with alot on my part, just yesterday was out of hand
  6. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    um let me get one point across... i am not being abused, and my mother does take really good care of me. its just she has a bad temper and im an easy target because our personalities are the same. and yeah, she used to have a drinking problem, still has a bit of a temper problem, but i still...
  7. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    she didnt, because she had her gall bladder removed and the doctor took pictures of her liver and since then she hasnt touched a drink.
  8. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    fuck im lucky she stopped drinking, cause when she did stuff like this would be so much worse.... she absolutely cannot stand to be around me when she is drinking, she picks fights everytime. one night she called up my dad in las vegas telling him she was going to murder me because she called me...
  9. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    lol i was stuck in a car with her, and got home and needed her to help me fill out my financial aid stuff so im able to go to school in august, and at first she promised me yesterday we'd go get the forms printed out, but then changed her mind. a huge argument, and i was being a little bitch...
  10. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    thank you, you made your point and i understand your point, but you werent being a complete dick so thank you
  11. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    i told her she was being fucking crazy to her face, so what makes you think this is any different?
  12. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    whatever. i know she loves me but she told me straight up she didnt like me much. she denies saying it now, but i understand. both my bro and sis admit to my mom coming down the hardest on me... but at least i know i make her proud by being the smartest out of all of her kids. and what have i...
  13. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    you dont even know my mother. my brother doesnt live with us. anyway, its like a different set of rules for me. she can hand my bro a sack of purp but gets on my ass for smoking. my sister doesnt do dishes for weeks, barely cleans, parties, but since she has a job my mom doesnt say shit to her...
  14. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    having people who dont even know me tell me that im wrong simply by default because she is my mother and what she says goes is called JUDGEMENT
  15. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    if my own mother said it wasnt my fault she was mad at first, get off your high horse and quit judging me. I just tried to make her feel better and have a normal conversation, and she freaked out. So fuck off. and for everyone else, I just graduated. i didnt get a job while i was in high...
  16. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    i clean, i cook, im trying to go to school, just the job thing and my weight irritate her.
  17. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    fuck it... no one seems to understand she was already mad and made me her target today. shit even my older sister sees that she likes to make me a target. fuck this, i just needed to vent and have someone understand where i was coming from, instead of laying the blame at my feet for something i...
  18. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    dude it was 8 in the morning.... it wasnt noon when she woke me up. and i had planned on getting all my college paperwork done today... it wasnt like i had nothing planned
  19. Urca

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    so its fair my mom got to take her aggression out on me? its fair that my sister can talk to her how ever she wants and yet my mom lets her live here still, never lifted a hand to her??
  20. Urca

    Having Kids?Your Thoughts

    aww i like that story. thats really nice.