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  1. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    they had to wait at either angel island in sf, or in ellis island in nyc. they would be given medical checks, asked if they had work planned in the us, whether they were buying land, etc... then if they failed the medical/job thing, they would be kept waiting for up to months on the island then...
  2. Urca

    Tell Me The Most Funniest Sex Incident You Ever Had And I'll Tell You Mine?

    ok ill tell one of my brother's stories... he was kissing this girl on his bed, and my dad wasnt home, and his best friend was in their living room. well anyway my brother fingers her and right after she came her mom called and said that she had to go home. so she gets up and leaves... well my...
  3. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    great point! lol i love the points you made
  4. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    haha man i wish my bro could get a job like that... he was a landscaping intern, made hella money doing it... he's good at it too. that would be perfect for him
  5. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    thats the thing, is normally there are people standing around offering to register you to vote, and etc... but i cant find them. plus, registering to vote=you'll be on a mailing list. which is fine by me, but i feel bad for all the poor interns. based off of you registering to vote, huge stacks...
  6. Urca

    What To Rent On Netflix?

    the departed is such a good movie... you should rent that
  7. Urca

    Tell Me The Most Funniest Sex Incident You Ever Had And I'll Tell You Mine?

    thump!!! you figured it out!!! yay!
  8. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    ugh im trying to register, but cant find a place that is doing it, its the wrong time of the year. I was an intern last election season and loved it. I was only 6 months shy of being able to vote. pissed me off so bad. but at least our candidate won.
  9. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    hey, i know. the process should be made easier to become a citizen, and immgration caps set at a certain number so we dont get an influx of immigrants... everyone wins
  10. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    honestly? me personally, not all that much. this thread was about reconciling my feelings with the fact alot of my friends wouldnt be here if it werent for that. im a moderate, so i get alot of flack from my republican friends for what i say, and alot of flack from my democrat friends... and i...
  11. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    lol honestly, i think this is the one forum where its more conversational... alot of times when im on here at night im smoking, so what better place to be that toke n talk?
  12. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    yeah... ruffled a few feathers today and yesterday... especially with the thread about my mom. this is nothing compared to that
  13. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    like any good research paper, i need sources to verify information... and since you're providing statistics, you need sources to back it up
  14. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    go to the green button that says "start new thread" on the toke and talk home page
  15. Urca

    Small Stash Container?

    fuck i lose pipes everytime i go out drinking. three so far. thank god they were shitty ghetto pipes... one home made, one my brother broke that cost him 5 dollars, and a crack pipe he bought me in vegas to smoke out of since it was just a pretty glass tube... didnt look like a crack pipe
  16. Urca

    Small Stash Container?

    haha i dont know how to roll, and i dont like smoking hella weed at once like that, so I got this thing meant to hold your lipstick and it had a little mirror on it... i stripped it and now it works great because it doesnt open up and spill my weed everywhere, a plus when im drunk and fumbling
  17. Urca

    My Feelings On Illegal Immigration, Do They Make Me a Hypocrite?

    haha thump then you start the thread... i dont have funny sex stories, but the last time i was with that guy, i accidentally bit him on the shoulder.... or we were kissing and both moved at the wrong moment and hit our heads hella hard... i know they arent funny, but i dont have other stories to...