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  1. Urca

    Why Do Women Have Problems Dating Younger Men?

    lol btw age isnt anything... i like older guys, always have... and i went to school with lots of guys who had older gfs... if the sex is good and you like her, go for it
  2. Urca

    Smoking Weed Makes Me 'Sick'? Help

    ah my fwb gets the worst experience when he smokes... gets crazy paranoid, everything hurts, gagging, retching... which sucks cause id love to smoke with him. honestly if weed makes you sick, then dont use it. simple
  3. Urca

    Quick Fix! What to do when out of goodies!!

    haha i drank a whole bottle of wine and listened to the beat and I WASNT DRUNK.... so... this shit doesnt work
  4. Urca

    Why Do Women Have Problems Dating Younger Men?

    hey if you both have feeling go for it!!! my mom met my stepdad in a.a. he was 20, she was 29 with three kids under the age of 5. they both were recovering from a mean meth problem... but they fell in love, and he's been around for 15 years, desite the fact that she had her tubes tied and...
  5. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    damn.... well i decided a nice break of a few weeks should help me out alot
  6. Urca

    +rep question

    your welcome, i cant sleep anyway, might as well help a stranger
  7. Urca

    +rep question

    damn idk what to tell you, maybe just wait till they post something again?? or go on their profile, find their most recent post, give it rep, and in the comments say it was for them giving you rep on a certain thread
  8. Urca

    +rep question

    lol idk you tell me if it referred to the thread, just gave you some
  9. Urca

    I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR

    haha sorry i tend to get distracted... as for the gas station part, people are stupid everywhere you go. my sister works at mcdonalds and she always has stories to tell... like the person who tried to pay in pesos, the black lady who flipped out and threatened her, the people who try to get free...
  10. Urca

    My Discovery of HASH!

    hmm idk if id want to make oil or hash, but id like to try making green dragon, but idk if that actually works or not.
  11. Urca

    Is it unclean to not change your bong water out frequently if you only use hash oil?

    the water doesnt look dirty, but the idea of smoking out of three week old water grosses me out... lol its like drinking out of a cup of water that has been sitting for a while. but do what pleases you
  12. Urca

    I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR

    ill admit this skin condition has taught me a few lessons... dont judge people with skin conditions, unless you can tell they just dont take care of themselves. that i need to make sure everything else looks great so that people dont notice my skin. and that honestly, this isnt something I can...
  13. Urca

    Is it unclean to not change your bong water out frequently if you only use hash oil?

    lol that does not sound healthy. idk, i just prefer to have clean smoking instruments, even if they look clean I check. Like this little hitter pipe I had, looked perfectly clean. I cleaned it anyway and got so much resin I could have filled up the bowl twice. But i think in your case, maybe...
  14. Urca

    Is it unclean to not change your bong water out frequently if you only use hash oil?

    my story was a digression on your topic. Basically my point was, a bong can never be too clean. so just change it frequently. think about clean dish water... its in your sink, no dishes have been put in it, except one greasy spoon... its a small spoon, but all the grease comes off of the...
  15. Urca

    Is it unclean to not change your bong water out frequently if you only use hash oil?

    I notice that if fresh water is used everytime with a bong, it doesnt fuck up your lungs so much... plus dirty bongs make yellow smoke... trust me I know. I took a hit of AMAZING weed out of a semi-dirty bong, the smoke came up sooooo thick and yellow, it took all my will power to trust my...
  16. Urca

    I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR

    ugh i got so lucky... my mom and sister and uncle all have terrible acne. I didnt get acne. no, i got something even better. Seborrheic Dermatitis.. so now I can enjoy my clear face and the redness, itching, semi-flaking on my scalp, ears, and neck, hands, corners of my mouth, along my hairline...
  17. Urca

    Quick Fix! What to do when out of goodies!!

    ooh burn :)
  18. Urca

    Quick Fix! What to do when out of goodies!!

    ha the free samples are only for alcohol, sleep, and contentment. personally, its a bunch of bs, but maybe it works for certain people
  19. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    eh i just want to feel good. so its either i smoke, drink, get off, or actually do something with people. And people are in short supply this summer I noticed
  20. Urca

    Quick Fix! What to do when out of goodies!!

    he's not trying to sell you anything... it really is free, and even the stuff you have to pay for is cheap... the only thing is, it doesnt work