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  1. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    he doesnt collect that, because he isnt disabled... he has medical problems, but they arent bad enough to be labled disabilities. I like living in CA, but thats only cause I live at home and dont pay rent. But I cant imagine living anywhere else...
  2. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    that is just sick... im fat and even that disgusts me.
  3. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    if they could fix his legs, and his head, he would be able to work. but he cant sit for very long, or stand, has to lay down alot, and due to his head injury, gets almost narcaleptic at times
  4. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    good point... lying is bad all around
  5. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    northern ca, in the central valley.
  6. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    my mom makes anywhere from 36,000 to 40,000 a year... and while my stepdad was unemployed we struggled. In CA, rent is super high. We have the cheapest rent on the block for about 1,000 bucks a month. And its a shitty duplex. To live in a nice house in CA, a good chunk of that 3,500 would go to...
  7. Urca

    If you could have any alcohol in your house, what would you have?

    when I drink, I drink to get drunk. I dont do it often. And since the buying age for any alcohol is 21, im fucked. Especially since I still look like im 16.Even though im 18
  8. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    lol if you read my posts, I fully support universal healthcare. but he doesnt. and idk if his problems are fixable. years of wear and tear have ruined his body. alcohol, drugs, being fat, playing hella sports, getting head injuries from hurting himself sleep walking, a bad siatica, a hernia he's...
  9. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    he doesnt even support healthcare for everyone... but i dont care what he supports, I know that healthcare is the only way he can get better. im happy that insurance will become availible to him, he needs it.
  10. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    I used to be the biggest socialist ever, until I actually thought about it. Free healthcare is good, its a basic human right. But all the other shit that comes with socialism? I'll pass. There has to be a middle ground somewhere.
  11. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    I dont understand the point you are trying to make?
  12. Urca

    Man robs bank to get medical care

    he makes too much on unemployment to get free healthcare. but yet his unemployment is barely enough to survive
  13. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    im talking about the brazilian chick... shit that was hella rude, you could have been nicer in your rejection
  14. Urca

    If you could have any alcohol in your house, what would you have?

    haha no fake id for me... and as for the 21 or older, most guys im into are at least that age so Im set
  15. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    you problably made her feel like shit
  16. Urca

    Do plants like wine?

    who are you talking about?
  17. Urca

    If you could have any alcohol in your house, what would you have?

    haha yeah, but im not a frequent drinker so its alright.. i got drunk the first time at my stepdad's bday party when I was 12
  18. Urca

    Do plants like wine?

    haha is that you?
  19. Urca

    If you could have any alcohol in your house, what would you have?

    18. 3 years of waiting for parties, or for my mom to decide its a special occaision and get me drunk. Or maybe get a bf who is older and has the hookup.
  20. Urca

    If you could have any alcohol in your house, what would you have?

    lol thats a manly drink, I cant do it, it makes me sick