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  1. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    you know what the sad thing is? I drank a whole bottle of wine tonight and didnt feel a think. And I am not a heavy drinker or even a frequent drinker, so idk what to do now... I wont smoke but the wine I drank didnt do a goddamn thing
  2. Urca

    Quick Fix! What to do when out of goodies!!

    listening to the alcohol one right now, and honestly, not having an effect.
  3. Urca

    Quick Fix! What to do when out of goodies!!

    ok ill try it...
  4. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    lol i know, but i really do care about him, not just as the guy who decided he wanted to mess with me, but as a person, a great friend. except for at the moment but whatever. The only reason I wont fuck him is because I know he doesnt feel the same. Plus im not trying to fuck in his car
  5. Urca

    3 Word Story

    cant get fired
  6. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    i want more but i know better. Shit I turned 18 without being kissed, then I met this wonderful guy and a week later I get to kiss, kinda cuddle, laugh, and enjoy a guy. i take what i can. never had a bf or anything, and every guy i've ever had feelings for and they said they felt the same way...
  7. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    its either im a fwb with a good guy, or im alone by myself. so i chose the fwb situation even though i dont like it
  8. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    friends with benefits... like we arent dating yet we still fool around with each other
  9. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    it's not the only thing that makes me happy, it just numbs when im sad or hurt. dancing makes me happy. going to school makes me happy. seeing my fwb makes me happy. reading a good book makes me happy.
  10. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    yeah true, i do self medicate. i have a long family history of drug and alcohol abuse... hope i dont fall into that pattern
  11. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    yeah its just better not to fuck him, in the long run. I do have dreams and goals but my mom and stepdad always tell me to be more realistic. I dont have debt from high school, but i think im going to accrue some due to starting college in the fall
  12. Urca

    Found a Baby Deer

    baby the deer... how cute. :) this thread perks me up
  13. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    get laid?? lol funny thing is i never had the chance before, so i'd say "i dont care who i fuck, its just sex" then i met this amazing guy who gave me my first kiss and all that good stuff, and we started getting carried away, and now I tell him no. Why? Cause he doesnt want to be my bf, and i...
  14. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    i know right?? but what is there for me to do? before the majority of my social life was school or school related... so i'd be out of the house until it was late because i had stuff to take care of, but now that i graduated, I have nothing. i am trying to get a job but that isnt working, and i...
  15. Urca

    I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR

    not trying to be a dick but you dont mind her having psoriasis? i know alot of people would be put off by that
  16. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    ugh ill just tough it out, ive gone long times without smoking before, its just i have nothing to do during the day since i am not working and college doesnt start til august. I'd just smoke when I was bored or lonely and before bed. Now im sleeping hella late and going to bed at like 5 in the...
  17. Urca

    Any Words Of Wisdom?

    um, its been two days since i got high, and im miserable. not only that, but its been at least a week since i actually felt high when i smoke, as opposed to a good buzz. idk, i feel like breaking down and buying weed, but like i know i should save money. but i really miss the feeling of being...
  18. Urca

    Game Of Thrones

    we had hbo and all the movie channels but then direct tv pulled them after our trial of 3 1/12 months was up
  19. Urca

    Game Of Thrones

    its straight from the book that inspired the series, the blonde chick hatches dragons in the book too... gotta remember this is a fantasy book. and if i still had hbo id be all over this. I have watched this show several times and its fucking awesome
  20. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    im sorry to hear that...