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  1. Urca

    Eat Shit Hippie! No for real. -Love Japan

    you're getting boring. change your schtick or leave... cause this is getting lame
  2. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    haha i didnt even mean for the whole paranoid thing happen, people are just odd
  3. Urca

    Eat Shit Hippie! No for real. -Love Japan

  4. Urca

    Eat Shit Hippie! No for real. -Love Japan

    lol i revealed myself cause i have a better vocabulary than the average bear?
  5. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    exactly. like i know what a dub looks like, and i thought she did too... but maybe her perception is off from mine?
  6. Urca

    Eat Shit Hippie! No for real. -Love Japan

    your pretensions are funny... I wonder, does it make you feel smart to subject the unwitting to your little witticisms, your valued insights, and how can i forget your charming loqauciousness? i mean, if you're on a playing field that is different from EVERYBODY ELSE then why bother with the...
  7. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    lol i meant the weed doesnt taste right, im smoking it right now. and west coast
  8. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    fuck it doesnt taste right, tastes like dirt
  9. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    yeah i turned 18 this year. i like her more as a friend than a dealer... plus i usually have better weed than she does, so im not ruining a 6 year friendship over weed
  10. Urca

    Eat Shit Hippie! No for real. -Love Japan

    funny... even when you're being a complete dick i can appreciate a star wars joke
  11. Urca

    Eat Shit Hippie! No for real. -Love Japan

    wtf?? are you high?
  12. Urca

    How You Like Your Females?

    shit if she's that perfect go do it now.. :) damn ill even admit she sounds fine
  13. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    haha i smoke people out occaisionally because i know i get smoked out alot, and i figure its like a pay it forward kind of thing. I smoke people out, I get smoked out in return, its all good karma. When my brother first got me smoking weed, always taught me to be generous to others if they are...
  14. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    ha i get good weed for a great price from my twin brother's friend, who is my usual dealer, but i felt like i should buy some from her too... ugh i wish i had stayed with my usual dealer
  15. Urca

    How You Like Your Females?

    ha i went to prom without a date too... but i danced with everyone elses :) i dont dress modestly or tone myself down... idk maybe i should, but i just do me... i dont think i should have to conform to what people think i should do... plus it makes me feel good to be dressed up all the time. i...
  16. Urca

    Eat Shit Hippie! No for real. -Love Japan

    haha um dude, i didnt put up a picture to be a "pedo" i did it out of boredom... i shouldnt have to hide who i am, i dont control who picks up on me or not, especially here, when everyone is problably either high or drunk as fuck.. no one takes this seriously, so get off your high horse. kthxbai
  17. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    its not always, but out of the blue she will take me to dinner, or her mom will buy me a shirt or something... shit for my 17th bday they went and bought me two dresses... i mean she's a very good friend, just terrible at selling weed
  18. Urca

    OK I'm Drunk

    what does this have to do with you being drunk?
  19. Urca

    I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(

    My best friend always doesnt give me the amount i pay for, because idk if she knows what she is doing. Anyway, i gave her enough money for a dub, and I got a fat ten... and i had to make her add more weed to the baggie... i can get better weed for a better price, but i let this happen because I...
  20. Urca

    How You Like Your Females?

    lol well i didnt get my first kiss until may first, like a week and a half after i turned 18, so your situation isnt that bad... i bet you get dolled up, you'll be pulling ladies and dudes left and right