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  1. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    lol you guys sound like conspiracy theorists
  2. Urca

    How long would 18 grams last you??

    tight video, Im just curious if all those people got smoked out for free, cause i know those girls in the back had to be moochers... :)
  3. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    its not like im doing illegal shit, so yeah, i doubt im going to be tracked down over the internet
  4. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    haha i would consider it if i didnt live at home with my mom and stepdad...
  5. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    shit its not like i grow or anything, so it shouldnt be a big deal
  6. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    Ok, so i decided to say fuck it, and put my real picture up. IDK if that was a bad decision due to privacy concerns, but it shouldnt be too bad right? Would you put up your own picture?
  7. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    hella funny man
  8. Urca

    Im going to be an aunt!

    i always thought i didnt support abortion, that it was evil and wrong... but now, i dont know how i feel. I was so excited and happy to be an aunt, and when she told me that it was the best choice to abort i cried. but she made several valid points... she doesnt have a car, wouldnt have a place...
  9. Urca

    Im going to be an aunt!

    there is no point in this thread anymore. she decided to get an abortion. :(
  10. Urca

    Sex Is Cheaper Than Ever.

    lol why should sex require a currency? if anything, the price of *NSA* sex should be stablized. Guys shouldnt make promises they cant keep just to get pussy, and girls shouldnt be passing the pussy around for free... lol if you want commitment and loving girls, hold out on having sex until after...
  11. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    a) your stories are hard to understand b) lol what are you, a fat chick magnet? seriously, goddamn. Where do you find these weird, masculine, sexually depraved fat women? From the way you describe them, you would think that they are beasts only looking to rut and feed.
  12. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    how very... eloquent. lol
  13. Urca

    What's the Most Significant Thing You've Done in Your Life?

    danced in high school... but im young, im sure i will do more fufilling things, but right now, that tops the cake. teaches a great work ethic
  14. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    could you tell that story again, but maybe in english this time? Im sorry, I just dont speak heathen
  15. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    you dont sound too thrilled about that
  16. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    lol well im fat and i got big boobs but a flat butt... sad aint it
  17. Urca

    Im going to be an aunt!

    :mrgreen: so im really happy to announce that my sister told me she was pregnant today. i mean, i've got my own worries and reservations about her keeping the baby, but either way im really happy for her. Im loading a bowl right now to celebrate my little neice or nephew. quick concern: she...
  18. Urca

    Babies in movie theaters?

    its not rude to be fat, its rude to behave like a heathen or like society owes you something
  19. Urca

    Bowls, Bongs or Blunts for Becca

    im so sorry... she's only a few months younger than me. back in march, a girl i used to sit next to in english my sophomore year died of cancer. I dont understand why? why did that have to happen? I remember her bubbly personality and her jokes, the way we used to talk about makeup, etc.... why...
  20. Urca

    Babies in movie theaters?

    well thats good, i dont mind babies very much if they are quiet, but i hate it when the mom just ignores the screaming and everyone else suffers. i have more sympathy for babies in movies than i do for adults. they should know better