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  1. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    lol how do i ask "oh yeah we've been fooling around and all that, but i was just wondering, um, you know, am i just a fuck buddy or something more??" really awkward
  2. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    yeah i get you, i dont really know what he wants
  3. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    lol so date number two was a success...
  4. Urca

    For u people with a long distance lover! Ha the perfect long distance lover song... cause its more true.
  5. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    haha my friend who sold them to me was like "oh these are hella good, me and my boyfriend ate some and we were gone" lol never again
  6. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    hahaa i swear there is nothing to see.... until you go into the dance section of the locker room. lol most of the girls in my dance class are fairly skinny and pretty... so yeah... either way stop being a perv :)
  7. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    ok that shit was wack.... i could barely feel anything. Im just sticking to smoking....
  8. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    why is that?
  9. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    ive smoked before school before and know how to deal, just never had a brownie before and i dont want to be completely just thrashed
  10. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    hahaha geewhiz??? lame. try again
  11. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    eh im like whatever, whats the point of hiding it??? its being real... fuck what people say
  12. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    haha im conditioned to it by years of online harrassment. now its funny
  13. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    haha despite your attempts to make me go cut my wrists, i like you. entertainment value is high in you
  14. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    eh im not too much of a lightweight so i think i should be fine
  15. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    i think im writing a cover letter? doing a power point? working on a project? taking a math test? dance class... oh well fuck it. doing it anyway
  16. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    lol ok the final question is, will i be able to function at all?
  17. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    lol seriously though, what does it feel like?
  18. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    ah i see... you just rhymed too
  19. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    guess not, oh well, maybe its cause i eat my emotions??? hahahaha jk
  20. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    lol the more you try the more you fail.... step it up