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  1. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    18... but i still have like 3 weeks left of high school
  2. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    guess so... lol its actually pretty entertaining so keep it coming.
  3. Urca

    How do brownies feel?

    I got some brownies for myself and im planning on eating one during school tomorrow, just wondering if it will be apparent that im high? any advice?
  4. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    :) :) your attempts to make me feel bad are cute. gotta try a bit harder though. cause what you're doing right now is problably way below your abilities.
  5. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    eh yeah there will be other dates, he just basically said however that there will not be a relationship because he lives over an hour away and even though he likes me, long distance relationships dont work. but he still wants to see me when he can.
  6. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    lol well it worked out for the best anyway. i think he just said the movies so i wouldnt be uncomfortable. but id rather do what we did than anything else
  7. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    haha i didnt blow him, didnt fuck him, he didnt do much to me... so its not like I need protection yet. When the time comes Ill be sure to be safe though
  8. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    haha i dont know how i made it to 18 without being kissed, but the waiting made up for it. he's 23 and way more experienced... and uh yeah things got kinda out of control in a good way. lets just say my first kiss wasnt my only first last night... but since i have like 3 or 4 weeks left of high...
  9. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    omg best night ever... we didnt go see a movie he just parked in the country side and we talked and talked and then started tickling each other and he kept like lightly running his hands over me, then he hugged me and started kissing me.... and some other things happened but basically i got my...
  10. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    problably wont be a movie, cause i have to be in by 12:30, and he doesnt get off work til 9 plus he has to drive here
  11. Urca

    Does this Count as a Date?

    ive been texting this guy for like a week now, and he asked me if id like to see a movie with him tonight after he gets off of work. we said yesterday that yeah, we liked each other as friends, and also more than that, but we wanted to meet up and see how we clicked to see if there was anything...
  12. Urca

    Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?

    ah i see.....
  13. Urca

    Dumbest Thing Ever Done While High

    how the fuck do you not feel that?
  14. Urca

    Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?

  15. Urca

    Dumbest Thing Ever Done While High

    oh wow... like two saturdays ago we almost got stopped for being at a park at 1:30 in the morning, but the cop just left the spotlight on us til he saw us leave the park, then we went back and took out our hidden alcohol.... lol we were getting fucked up when the cop saw us *obviously you can...
  16. Urca

    Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?

    ahaha dude thats so funny... now ive got the giggles
  17. Urca

    Dumbest Thing Ever Done While High

    hahah why????????
  18. Urca

    Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?

    lol if its a good girl she wont use you to smoke, just for sex and all that jazz.... ;)
  19. Urca

    Dumbest Thing Ever Done While High

    hahahaha thats fucking hilarious... you weren't too hurt right?
  20. Urca

    Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?

    haha i mean idk why to this day i know my brother will always smoke me out, and i have no problem returning the favor. But outside of family or a nice friend of my brothers or my best friend, ive never been smoked out. always had to pay for what i wanted. lol maybe cause im not exactly that...