How do brownies feel?


Well-Known Member
I got some brownies for myself and im planning on eating one during school tomorrow, just wondering if it will be apparent that im high? any advice?


New Member
maybe tomorrow for now im thoughtlessly getting af te the first thing that comes to mind..... a rare glimpsme of doc unrefined


Well-Known Member
Eat em all and make an ass of yourself, you only have a few weeks to embed every ones memorie of you in Hi School...J/K


Well-Known Member
no idea...depends on the person and the brownie...

if you eat it on an empty stomach, it'll take about 20 minutes to a good hour and a half to kick in....sneaks up on ya it does...and then straight up robs your ass
hey ho, stupidville....
eating it with food already digesting seems to dilute it out a bit....the high is less pronounced but it lasts a lot longer

...for me anyways...mileage varies


Well-Known Member
Just eat one or two and see how you feel. After about an hour or two if you feel that you could eat more, go for it!


Well-Known Member
I would say yes unless your a light weight and then i would say that you might have a hard time but prob not.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what u wanna do.
Taking a test would be fun. I took my finals in collage tripping on mushrooms and got As and Bs


Well-Known Member
i think im writing a cover letter? doing a power point? working on a project? taking a math test? dance class... oh well fuck it. doing it anyway


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strength, but I stay away from that stuff these days. I'm a lightweight, and not ashamed of it. Smoking, I can gauge how I feel as I go... edibles, you eat it and wait to see if it was too much. Last time I ate too much it almost felt a bit like an acid trip. Speaking of which... I took a hit of acid and went to school once. Pretty crazy experience. I wound up leaving early. Turns out school isn't the best place for that. :)