Does this Count as a Date?


Well-Known Member
ive been texting this guy for like a week now, and he asked me if id like to see a movie with him tonight after he gets off of work. we said yesterday that yeah, we liked each other as friends, and also more than that, but we wanted to meet up and see how we clicked to see if there was anything there... so does this count as a date or what?


Pickle Queen
well i would say yes, unless u each pay your own way, then it's more of friends meeting for a movie, but either way it could lead to more, just have fun. But movie dates suck for first dates, it's hard to talk and sitting side by side not face to face bothers me unless i know the guy


Well-Known Member
April, all you have to do is pick a movie that sucks, shit gets reeeeal interesting when movies suck. You have no choice but to watch a lame ass movie or talk thru it.


Well-Known Member
problably wont be a movie, cause i have to be in by 12:30, and he doesnt get off work til 9 plus he has to drive here


bud bootlegger
yah, i agree with april about movies making crappy first dates for pretty much the same reason's she said.. unless it is someone that you know pretty well, and aren't going out to see if you click like dude said, then movies aren't the best picks for a first date.. not being able to talk to the dude is a major reason why.. i know you can talk during the movie and what not, but its not like say going out to eat or something along those lines where your free to talk the entire time and have a better chance to get to know each other..
but yah, it sounds like a date to me, and even if it's not, who cares, your going out with a dude whom you obviously have some kind of feelings for, and who knows where it could lead, and at least you've got your foot in the door so to speak if its not a date...


Well-Known Member
well i would say yes, unless u each pay your own way, then it's more of friends meeting for a movie, but either way it could lead to more, just have fun. But movie dates suck for first dates, it's hard to talk and sitting side by side not face to face bothers me unless i know the guy
Good to know April thank you lol not gonna make that mistake again


Well-Known Member
omg best night ever... we didnt go see a movie he just parked in the country side and we talked and talked and then started tickling each other and he kept like lightly running his hands over me, then he hugged me and started kissing me.... and some other things happened but basically i got my first kiss tonight... :)


Pickle Queen
omg best night ever... we didnt go see a movie he just parked in the country side and we talked and talked and then started tickling each other and he kept like lightly running his hands over me, then he hugged me and started kissing me.... and some other things happened but basically i got my first kiss tonight... :)
WOOHOO!!! so happy for u!!! Sounds like a super sweet guy, hope it all works out.
Ignore doc, this is him being nice


Active Member
ive been texting this guy for like a week now, and he asked me if id like to see a movie with him tonight after he gets off of work. we said yesterday that yeah, we liked each other as friends, and also more than that, but we wanted to meet up and see how we clicked to see if there was anything there... so does this count as a date or what?

Anytime two or more people make arrangements to meet up and socialize IMO is a date. It really doesn't matter if it is males or females, and it doesn't have to be a romantic encounter. Glad to hear that your first meeting went well. Wow, first kiss???:hump:


Active Member
Played beerpong with 10-12 people last night. Am I dating all of them?
No, making a date to get together or meet does not mean you are "dating" on a romantic level. Setting aside a certain day, time and place can be referred to as a date. One word different meanings. IMO :lol: