Does this Count as a Date?


Moderatrix of Journals
omg best night ever... we didnt go see a movie he just parked in the country side and we talked and talked and then started tickling each other and he kept like lightly running his hands over me, then he hugged me and started kissing me.... and some other things happened but basically i got my first kiss tonight... :)
see, ^this just makes me wanna go park somewhere in the back40 and mak oot with my man like teenaged bunnies, but it sort of *kills the spontaneity factor when you have to pack the kid up for dropoff at the babysitter.... although i *guess having a pickup time is SORT OF like having a curfew again....


Active Member
see, ^this just makes me wanna go park somewhere in the back40 and mak oot with my man like teenaged bunnies, but it sort of *kills the spontaneity factor when you have to pack the kid up for dropoff at the babysitter.... although i *guess having a pickup time is SORT OF like having a curfew again....
This is showing our age :lol:


Moderatrix of Journals
This is showing our age :lol:
my favourite chick flick quote ever:

"what i wouldn't give, to know what i know now, and still have those thighs.... *sigh*"


(and whatever mang. i can still do it in the back of a compact car. "just toss my cane somewhere up front, wouldja? there's a GOOD BOY...." lmao)


Active Member
my favourite chick flick quote ever:

"what i wouldn't give, to know what i know now, and still have those thighs.... *sigh*"


(and whatever mang. i can still do it in the back of a compact car. "just toss my cane somewhere up front, wouldja? there's a GOOD BOY...." lmao)
:lol: I can't even respond, just DITTO and, an AMEN!:lol:


Active Member
omg best night ever... we didnt go see a movie he just parked in the country side and we talked and talked and then started tickling each other and he kept like lightly running his hands over me, then he hugged me and started kissing me.... and some other things happened but basically i got my first kiss tonight... :)
Did you let him play "just the tip, just to see how it feels?" or "Ouch, ouch, you're on my hair?" some of my favorite games.

EDIT: Congrats on the date though, hope it continues working out for you.


Active Member
Did you let him play "just the tip, just to see how it feels?" or "Ouch, ouch, you're on my hair?" some of my favorite games.

EDIT: Congrats on the date though, hope it continues working out for you.
This was her first kiss, so she has to be a V*****! Be very gentle with her...


Well-Known Member
haha i dont know how i made it to 18 without being kissed, but the waiting made up for it. he's 23 and way more experienced... and uh yeah things got kinda out of control in a good way. lets just say my first kiss wasnt my only first last night... but since i have like 3 or 4 weeks left of high school i still have a 1 o'clock curfew... but that flew out of the window and i came home at 3. and no, we didnt have sex. nor oral sex. for the perverts out there.

anyway i never thought my first kiss would be like that... i always pictured an awkward moment with the barest brush of lips... haha how wrong i was in a good way


New Member
haha i dont know how i made it to 18 without being kissed, but the waiting made up for it. he's 23 and way more experienced... and uh yeah things got kinda out of control in a good way. lets just say my first kiss wasnt my only first last night... but since i have like 3 or 4 weeks left of high school i still have a 1 o'clock curfew... but that flew out of the window and i came home at 3. and no, we didnt have sex. nor oral sex. for the perverts out there.

anyway i never thought my first kiss would be like that... i always pictured an awkward moment with the barest brush of lips... haha how wrong i was in a good way
Someone posted earlier you burn like 2-3 calories per minute of kissing. I'd get after it if I were you.


Active Member
haha i dont know how i made it to 18 without being kissed, but the waiting made up for it. he's 23 and way more experienced... and uh yeah things got kinda out of control in a good way. lets just say my first kiss wasnt my only first last night... but since i have like 3 or 4 weeks left of high school i still have a 1 o'clock curfew... but that flew out of the window and i came home at 3. and no, we didnt have sex. nor oral sex. for the perverts out there.

anyway i never thought my first kiss would be like that... i always pictured an awkward moment with the barest brush of lips... haha how wrong i was in a good way
It sounds so sweet and innocent. Still, keep us updated on where this goes. Don't be taken advantage of by this older man (:hump:) unless you are ready. Mmmm, I wonder what the other first(s) were???


bud bootlegger
and if things go this far, make sure you use some form of birth control.. you don't want your first kiss and your first pregnancy to be so close together, lol.. but for reals though, make him put a rain coat on if things are going to go that way..


Active Member
and if things go this far, make sure you use some form of birth control.. you don't want your first kiss and your first pregnancy to be so close together, lol.. but for reals though, make him put a rain coat on if things are going to go that way..
That's for sure, protect yourself. That young first sex can make you lose your mind and forget about things like birth control.


bud bootlegger
That's for sure, protect yourself. That young first sex can make you lose your mind and forget about things like birth control.
no doubt.. it is very very easy to get caught up in the heat of the passion, and to forget all about some very important things like safe sex and what have you.. but its surely not worth the 30 seconds of fun, well atleast with me it is usually about 30 seconds, lol, i kid, i kid, but anyhoos. it is not worth the couple of minutes or what have you of pleasure to either get prego or even worse catch a std like the clap or the aids, the gift that keeps on giving.. so, just make sure if you're going to go on future dates together, and feel that things are progressing to the point that sex is going to be inevitable, you need to start to think about birth control..
and here is something that i've heard in the past that i think is very true.. if you can't sit down with the person ahead of time, and have a serious discussion about birth control, then neither of you are really ready to be having sex together.. i don't know exactly where i heard it before, but it always made sense to me..


Active Member
no doubt.. it is very very easy to get caught up in the heat of the passion, and to forget all about some very important things like safe sex and what have you.. but its surely not worth the 30 seconds of fun, well atleast with me it is usually about 30 seconds, lol, i kid, i kid, but anyhoos. it is not worth the couple of minutes or what have you of pleasure to either get prego or even worse catch a std like the clap or the aids, the gift that keeps on giving.. so, just make sure if you're going to go on future dates together, and feel that things are progressing to the point that sex is going to be inevitable, you need to start to think about birth control..

and here is something that i've heard in the past that i think is very true.. if you can't sit down with the person ahead of time, and have a serious discussion about birth control, then neither of you are really ready to be having sex together.. i don't know exactly where i heard it before, but it always made sense to me..
RacerBoy71, you don't sound like a boy. You sound more like a man with experience.


Well-Known Member
haha i didnt blow him, didnt fuck him, he didnt do much to me... so its not like I need protection yet. When the time comes Ill be sure to be safe though