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  1. Urca

    Smoking With Dad.

    sweet, but whats euchre?
  2. Urca

    Is It Possible To Grow Just One Plant?

    I know absolutely nothing about all this, but my friend asked me if it was possible, and what you would need, because she and her bf would like to grow a plant. i told her it would be pointless to grow just one, but i digress
  3. Urca

    Who Smokes Before They Work Out?

    smoking before stretching out for dancing does wonders, because instead of the pain of it, you feel pleasure, and so you do it for longer, increasing the power of the stretch
  4. Urca

    Smoking With Dad.

    i could never smoke with my mom, even though she does smoke every day, all the time. I can always smell it yet she plays it off, and sometimes she's pretty open about it but yet fucks with me everytime im high
  5. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    if so that girl musta been hella fine to get dick at the bar and have hella bfs at home while being plump. ;)
  6. Urca

    10 Stoner Commandments

    i was guilty of that the first time i smoked a joint, but now i smack anyone who gets my joint or blunt wet. fucking assholes
  7. Urca

    Smoking With Dad.

    nothing is like smoking with my dad... it's a great way to bond, was kinda weird having him watch me take hella bong rips, but thats life. My dad and I are very close, and he says he loves to see me high because it makes him happy to see me completely relaxed and smiling, and being an enjoyable...
  8. Urca

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    hahaha oh wow
  9. Urca

    I'm So Stressed Out

    my dad called me up sobbing, told me he was leaving his house on monday, he had to leave everything behind, and a bunch of other stuff, had us both crying on the phone for an hour talking him down, crying with him, and its like now im smoking trying to relax and i want to go to bed but im so...
  10. Urca

    10 Stoner Commandments

    thou shall not drink the bong water :)
  11. Urca

    I Don't Feel The Same When I Get High?

    haha i dont really have control over what weed I get, its whatever the dealer has on hand
  12. Urca

    I Don't Feel The Same When I Get High?

    like ive been smoking weed since i was 15, but didnt regularly start until about this time last summer... but now that ive smoked so much, I dont feel the same... unless I smoke HELLA HELLA weed, and thats just wasting my precious money... i mean, i catch a good buzz, and things are still funny...
  13. Urca

    Who wants some feces steak?!

    um this thread was done yesterday... just saying
  14. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    fuck it, you guys win... now its just a drawing of my name
  15. Urca

    Another 2012 Thread.

    there will be no change in 2012... life always goes on, same as before
  16. Urca

    Chipped metal from grinder in weed?

    just sift through the ground up weed for metal bits...
  17. Urca

    The TRUTH About Men...

    you have serious issues
  18. Urca

    I'm So Baked

    lol i think someone thinks we are the same person
  19. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    who is the geewizzz?
  20. Urca

    Putting Your Real Picture on RIU?

    haha no why?