Why Don't We Worry About The Education System?


Well-Known Member
in another thread a man brought up a great point. why dont we have more programs devoted to improving childhood literacy? shit, or even math/science skills? what they are doing now doesnt work, I know because I've seen little kids who can barely string together a decent sentence or do math or science well. Hell i'll even admit that when I was in elementary school that the ball got dropped somewhere, and coupled with my already lacking skills in math, it sucked. Like I was a very good reader, good at history, good at science, but when it came to math I had to have everything broken down, explained to me, and I have to actually do the problems many times to understand. I find it weird I excelled at every subject but math... but at least when I have it explained to me and I apply myself hard, I passed math with a's and b's... but it shouldnt be like this, shouldnt we start it young?


Well-Known Member
I just think it has to do with applying yourself. If you don't understand, practice. It's all about fun and games now. Kids don't want to study. I should know, it took me 4 years of high school to get 3 math credits. It wasn't the schools/teachers fault, it was my own. I didn't do the homework, therefore got fucked on the tests. My fault, no one else.

We always talk about education and the system, maybe kids just aren't focused. Too much social life, not enough focus on school. Maybe nothing interests them. I think they should start bringing back subjects like automotive, woodshop, etc. Then the guys like me who weren't interested in the academics would still be getting prepared for a career after high school. There will always be jobs in the trades. Maybe schools should incorporate trades into the curriculum. Not all kids are wired for college. I wasn't.


Well-Known Member
the problem is we dont teach the kids. we put 30 kids in one room, and expect them to all learn the same way. there is one teacher that has certain teaching methods. usually theyre unwilling to give up these(superior in their eyes) teaching methods. its hard for kids to be focused when they are just one person, in a sea of other kids. they dont have that inspirational person in their lives to show them that they can not only learn, but succeed in life by doing it.

also the government doesnt mind the public being uneducated because they can be easily manipulated. it would be a massive undertaking to fix the education system. it would take a lot of personal will and probably political power to get it done. most likely theyd need the pres, the house, and the senate, all from one party. otherwise theyll argue and play politics and nothing will get done


Well-Known Member
i thought about being a teacher so I could help with this problem, but its just that I have such a bad temper, it wouldnt be fair to those kids


Well-Known Member
i think people have too many kids in general and that schools should all go private. if people pay for their kids to go to school, perhaps they would think before popping out so many kids, that would be beneficial to society. use the money towards healthcare. when it really comes down to it, if your kid were sick, would you prefer they get school or healthy? health is top priority.


Well-Known Member
ah but education is a universal right. The middle class or the poor would never be able to afford the education of their children. Or if they were able to, it would be a lesser education. when education is made into a business, education fails. It would be the same thing as poor/middle class people having to shop at walmart, while the rich shop at macy's and etc...

sure, they carry all the same things (home goods, pants, shirts, etc.) but the quality is far different. children have more hope of a better education in a system where the government provides it. But the government does need to change stratagies


Well-Known Member
dont' have a kid if you can't afford to put them in school. use birth control...

i don't think education should be a right, i think healthcare should be.

trust me, low income kids are already getting lower quality education.


Well-Known Member
lol i am a low income kid, and my education did suck in some areas, due to shitty teachers, but also from a lack of self disapline. if i actually applied myself, I learned lots from my public school


Well-Known Member
well low income people can't afford the best colleges anyway, high school doesn't mater. even undergrad is pretty much BS. you have to specialize in a field wehre jobs are available. low income have to take out loans, some are paying them back on 40k a year, that could take 30 years lol. i didn't learn much in HS but i've learned lots since being in the workforce. i learned a lot in college but not much geared towards working in a professional environment - on job training is more imortant.


Well-Known Member
true, but the only way to advance in life is to be educated... sure student loans suck ass but 30 years of paying for an education seems better to me then slaving away at a job for 30 years, never advancing, having to live on the fringes of life, because you cant afford/dont have the education to have better


Well-Known Member
don't worry, that's where most are headed with or without higher education. i would say 90% of the jobs out there are deadend. the only way to make money is to be born with it, inherit it or get lucky and start a business that does really well. generally people who are born middle class, end up worse off or the same as their parents. its like a caste system lol. you're young, you will see.

there is that 1% who end up workign their way up the corporate ladder but most of the time, if you're in some position making 45k a year, you get your 3% a year raise, it's thousand or so but some years you may get no increase. you could work 10 years to get up to 50k. inflation is increasing but salaries have stayed the same. things are not good. jobs are few aand far between right now regardless.


Well-Known Member
lol too many years of a partisian split pretty much screwed this country into the ground, and big business reaps the profits


Well-Known Member
As long as you aren't trying to live like a king/queen I'm pretty sure you could have a decent life if you work hard. Be thankful you don't have to sell crack to make ends meet. Or prostitute.