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  1. Urca

    Lol Complaints About Threads?

    ah yay, someone made my threads fun!!! however can i thank you!!!
  2. Urca

    Lol Complaints About Threads?

    Ok so I have been told my threads are retch inducing attempts to garner attention and pity... if you had a complaint about a poster and their threads (which are not incindiary nor inappropriate), wouldnt you just avoid that poster? This of course, doesnt apply to those threads which cause fights...
  3. Urca

    I Hurt

    ok... if you're tired of my posts or whatever, then dont read them? my problem? That those dates, those friends, those parties, are very rare. Most of the time Im chilling at home, bored out of my mind and lonely. I feel like my life is wasting away. And they arent adventures, its whats on my...
  4. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    lol im not digging the real world at the moment
  5. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    I think there should be a balance. In our culture a person is considered a loser if they dont go to college, but, not everyone is made to go to college. Perfect example me and my twin brother. He isn't stupid, he just hates school. He problably wont go onto college. Yet, he has enough brains to...
  6. Urca

    Had A Kickback At My Place Yesterday...

    ah ok... lol i dont post here to be an attention whore, just post whats on my mind
  7. Urca

    Had A Kickback At My Place Yesterday...

    hahah why would you call me out on it though?? Its all true
  8. Urca

    Had A Kickback At My Place Yesterday...

    It was like pulsating in my head for hours, I slept it off. My mom was hella nice and brought me a cool wash cloth so I'd be able to sleep better. Ive had migranes before, this was a low level one. When i was going through puberty I used to just sit in school and cry cause I was getting migranes...
  9. Urca

    Had A Kickback At My Place Yesterday...

    kinda lame to have it from glee
  10. Urca

    Had A Kickback At My Place Yesterday...

    Lol my friends were surprised how high I got them, how good the weed was, how much there was of it... but I ended up getting a migrane after the second blunt cause I have a hella good copy of Battle: Los Angeles on bootleg, and they put that shit hella loud. Left me feeling high and miserable...
  11. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    Well why would it get irritated? I mean, by the time the guy is old enough to be getting handjobs, im pretty sure his dick skin wouldnt be easily irritated after 15+ years of being uncovered. As for needing lube for a handjob, its not required but in my experience its more enjoyable to have some...
  12. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    The thing about renting my textbooks is that I need workbooks that I have to fill out. And the workbooks match up with the textbooks... Its just simpler to go to the college and buy their books...
  13. Urca

    Nastiest weed you ever had?

    ugh some shit i bought from a friend, barely gave me a buzz and tasted like straight up dirt.
  14. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    ah well then ill definitely apply to be a waitress
  15. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    Im fairly good at puns ;)
  16. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    I was thinking about that but my mom told me not to. Said I wouldnt be good at that job cause of my weight
  17. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    ah it rides again!
  18. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    Places like target, macy's, pizza hut, etc... none have given me an interview... and blockbuster told me to reapply
  19. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    Ive been applying but turned down everytime. And I could buy those books today, if I wanted, I just am upset I am losing a bit of my savings
  20. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    I know, I would like to spend as little as possible and yet still get quality and the things I want