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  1. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    I know, I know. I havent been doing much living this summer... still dont have a job, starting college soon, no bf, no money of my own, trying to cut back smoking... why cant i have love? not too much to ask
  2. Urca

    Had A Kickback At My Place Yesterday...

    haha nope, just dont have enough weed for everyone ;)
  3. Urca

    There, their, and they're

    hahah kinda is slang, however, there are no slang words for the multiple versions of the word "There."
  4. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    who have i ignored?
  5. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    I just cant believe how much he lied to me
  6. Urca

    There, their, and they're

    Its kinda baffling really. How could you mess it up?
  7. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    well, now we're down to one guy. The short dude I havent heard from since he couldnt come to our date, this dude just fucked everything up for him, and David and I, well, its complicated but now I realize far from over.
  8. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    Want the whole list? Lied about wanting to be in a relationship with me Lied about caring about me Lied that I was the only girl he wanted Lied that he would never hurt me again He just wants sex Just wants what he could take from me, didnt want me at all.
  9. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    he is a liar, a dirty fucking liar, a horrible horrible man, who thought it was so funny to hurt me.
  10. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    This thread doesnt matter anymore, he is a terrible, terrible, terrible man.
  11. Urca

    Had A Kickback At My Place Yesterday...

    ugh it rarely happens, just I think I smoked too much and then got sleepy, top that off with an EXTREMELY loud movie, good recipe for a migrane
  12. Urca

    Watch Us Smoke Weed

    haha i was like, those are vampire nails, looks like he just clawed his way out of a coffin.
  13. Urca

    Watch Us Smoke Weed

    dude your fingernails are hella fucking dirty... gross
  14. Urca

    Watch Us Smoke Weed

    why was that glass stick used? ah never mind I just had to watch more... thats a great idea
  15. Urca

    Who Says $ Don't Grow On Tree?

    Ah shit who else is smoking? I know I am
  16. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    yeah he knows... I told him straight up, who it was and what I was doing... that was before he decided he wanted to leave and then come back, he knows I still talk to the guys.
  17. Urca

    Lol Complaints About Threads?

    ah thank you. i appreciate it. And no, at the moment I dont feel like that. I did a bit last night but it comes and goes
  18. Urca

    I Hurt

    Orca?? Its Urca.. or Erica, which ever you prefer.... I am far from self abosrbed, nor am I narcisstic. The great thing about the internet is you never truly know the person which you are talking to... so you dont really know me, you have the right to interpret my posts as you please, to avoid...
  19. Urca

    Lol Complaints About Threads?

    No actually it referred to the one where I said I was sad and depressed,
  20. Urca

    Lol Complaints About Threads?

    Ah ok... :)