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  1. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    Thats the thing, all my classes have one book. Except french and geography. French only needs a workbook so Im not tripping, but did you see how many fucking books i needed for geography? wtf? am I gonna be using them all?
  2. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    I dont grow, cause I live with my mom, and plus every plant I try to grow, even non weed plants, die. Same thing happens when my mom tries. Must be genetic
  3. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    I was told to fill out this waiver to get my book fees cleared, but even though neither one of my parents went to college, and we used to get food stamps in the past, and my mom only makes 36,000 in a year, I dont qualify to have the fees waived
  4. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    Im cheap as hell, but since this is my money to spend on something, i want to make a good investment on my laptop, since it will replace my pc that I have had for four years. I want to get four or five years out of that laptop, and I want it to have good memory and capabilities, fast, and with a...
  5. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    Eh, I just thinking I'll buy them now and sell them back when I am done. I can return all of them for money, except for those expensive ass workbooks. Seriously, wtf is up with that? Now that I am buying my own textbooks, I can see why my hs was anal about getting your textbooks returned or paid...
  6. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    its a community college. they wont do that. They havent even reviewed my paper work yet and I turned it all in on June 26th. I have a CAL-GRANT comming my way, but they havent sent it yet. Class starts august 15th, so I really need that check
  7. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    i know me too. Its just such a big chunk of the money I have on hand, and my financial aid hasnt come in. I'd use some of that 1,000, but its a savings bond and I need to cash it for one, and for two I had to swear that when I got it, id use it for something big, like a computer or car. That was...
  8. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    Some of my classes will only sell new text books, but for those that are used, I will buy them in a heart beat. That total I came up with included 50% used books The list is: Art Across Time-103.75, used Promenades (For French)-110.00, used Promenades workbook-54.65, new Into to Geography...
  9. Urca

    College textbooks are gonna bankrupt me

    Fuck fuck fuck fuck... so I just went to the school website where they posted how much the books are gonna be for the fall semester, and I went and looked up the books I needed. Fuck me. Seriously. 370.75 is my total. Where the fuck do I get that money? I have my grad money, and thats all my...
  10. Urca

    went to the midnight primere of harry potter

    Ah good for you?
  11. Urca

    went to the midnight primere of harry potter

    fucking amazing. even though they flubbed the story a bit, the movie was great
  12. Urca

    Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

    Haha im serious... I can drink hella of them and they taste amazing, yet I never catch a buzz... its win win
  13. Urca

    Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

    well it tastes hella good and doesnt even give me a buzz, so its safe to drink
  14. Urca

    Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

    camera phone
  15. Urca

    Dogs and weed ?

    fuck i remember i got my dog high one time... I was dying soo hard.
  16. Urca

    Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

    its an emachine from back in 2007. its only four years old, but it wont open pdf's or certain programs, and its slow at times. Im uprgrading to a laptop in a few weeks for college
  17. Urca

    Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

    I traced the outline, but not the cutouts or the raised edges, all the shading I did from my head.
  18. Urca

    Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

    haha my computer doesnt work with the uploading thingy on this site.
  19. Urca

    The perfect combination

    Diet Dr. Pepper, bong rips, my twin bro, under the stars, and well, just chilling. I didnt specify a food cause it all tastes good when you are high
  20. Urca

    Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again

    haha its a drawing I did, I just wanted to see if it was close to reality or not