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  1. Urca

    Any Phreakers or hackers from the 80's or 90's here?

    I do love that movie
  2. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    i dont know the story of his life, but who am I to judge? It's a daughter not like he has a gf or a secret wife... And since I dont even know where we are going to go, why trip off a little thing like that?
  3. Urca

    If I were to visit Colorado to pick up some souveniers....

    lol im fucking retarded...
  4. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    eh none taken. he and i are just kinda talking right now... and honestly with how crazy life is gonna be when I start college, and have a job, problably wont have time for a boyfriend anyway
  5. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    not much he can do, he lives far away, came out here for work and school
  6. Urca

    Game of Thrones = Awesome.

    game of thrones is fucking awesome
  7. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    hey hold on... my dad lives in nevada and I rarely get to see him, does that make him a fucking loser or a victim of circumstance?
  8. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    he's 24, he had her when he was 20
  9. Urca

    If I were to visit Colorado to pick up some souveniers....

    Go to the airport, or to like a national park... surely they have gift shops
  10. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    This guy I've been talking to for a while just told me that he has a 4 year old daughter in Texas... which blew my mind but Im pretty cool with it since she lives with her mom and we're in CA. Just... makes me slightly uncomfortable.
  11. Urca

    Favorite Quote Of The Week

    thats a lame quote... how about "still firm!!!" my sister and I were watching battle los angeles and when neyo and that guy were checking to see if the other was ok, at the same time we both made the motion for grabbing ass and said still firm... which is totally unplanned and weird cause we're...
  12. Urca

    I Hurt

    it didnt even really hit me until i was laying in bed thinking about that situation and then i just started bawling
  13. Urca

    I Hurt

    that would be nice... but i stopped for a while... need to get a job
  14. Urca

    I Hurt

    its hard to explain... just so sad. been thinking alot about this thing i had going with a guy, and how he's changed, and how its problably over... then i ask myself why... where is god? fuck im not even religious just looking for some peace. i lost my peace about 4 years ago, went through a...
  15. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    honestly, uncut just seems... ugh. problably due to that asshat who sent me a dick pic of his soft, uncut baby dick and thought I would be happy. the first guy i ever messed around with... cut, and thick... win win
  16. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    none do.... those last few are wayy too big, and the others are too small and tall
  17. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    haha sorry, everyone who knows me uses me for random bits of information, or if they need to know something. I have a great memory and read alot... in school they said I was like a computer... I kick ass at quiz games like Jepordy? -however the fuck you spell it
  18. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    castration only applies to males, and them having their balls cut off... circumcision is different
  19. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    ugh im almost tempted to post a body pic to prove I mean what I say