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  1. Urca

    Anyone believe the hollow earth theory?

    um, if the earth was hollow, we wouldnt be able to drill into it as deep as we have for the last few millenia... woulda collasped the earth like a house of cards
  2. Urca

    Amber oil?

    my tolerance isnt low, it takes a bit for me to get high... I'd say i have a medium tolerance
  3. Urca

    Is it safe to smoke

    dont do it.
  4. Urca

    Amber oil?

    so how is it worth it, if you make it yourself?
  5. Urca

    +rep question

    oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! well, actually, you should be happy they are being put to good use...
  6. Urca

    +rep question

    lol ryan, if you are made out of marijuana, then why so grumpy buddy?? has someone been touching your no no parts? :) ;)
  7. Urca

    Amber oil?

    you, my friend, are a genius. so, since you are sooo smart, why dont you tell which dealer around where I live sells bho? please and thank you. :) jk didnt mean to be rude, just having fun
  8. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    i hate that word. after the first time i met david he said i came off as desperate. then a few nights ago i offered to pay for his gas so he could come see me, because they cut his hours at work, and i missed him and he said he missed me, but he had no cash... and since i figured it wasnt fair...
  9. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    i wasnt even interested in him at first, but he was persistant, and i was feeling bad about the whole David thing, so I said fuck it. I wish I never did
  10. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    ok, ganjames, you were right all along
  11. Urca

    Amber oil?

    ah thats the thing, i dont just sit and smoke all day. if i have weed, Ill smoke once, twice a day tops. if i dont have it, ill smoke like once every couple of weeks when i get up the money for a ten. and if you think about it, 28 g down to 5 g is 1/5 of what you orginally had. and i dont have...
  12. Urca

    Should I apply at this restaurant?

    haha and i thought only girls could get their period. beardo changed my mind though. damn do you want me to send you a fucking tampon?
  13. Urca

    He Has A Daughter.

    haha nope. fuck fuck fuck im still pissed at that guy
  14. Urca

    Should I apply at this restaurant?

    yeah true... i guess i should go apply.
  15. Urca

    Amber oil?

    haha how do i get my hands on it without dropping hella $, since i do not grow, and how the fuck do you smoke it?
  16. Urca

    Amber oil?

    now heres the thing i always wondered about bho. the fact is, it seems to take ALOT of weed to get a limited amount of product. so, i know its very condensed and all, would it get you so extremely high off a very little bit, that the quanity that you made lasts longer than plain bud? cause i...
  17. Urca

    leaf blunt vs. glass blunt

    ive used a crack pipe to smoke weed before... that shit hits hard. but, never heard of a glass blunt
  18. Urca

    Should I apply at this restaurant?

    yeah a family friend owns the restaurant inside the bowling alley, and i know everyone there
  19. Urca

    Should I apply at this restaurant?

    The thing is, I would do it in a heartbeat, except for one thing. Its inside a bowling alley, and the bowling alley is where my stepdad is the bartender and my mom is the manager... and its not like she would be my boss, but I'd be working right next to her all day... not so sure about that
  20. Urca

    There, their, and they're

    ah true, but remember thump easy?? you could barely read his posts