Nastiest weed you ever had?


Well-Known Member
So RIU what's the worst weed you have had? I have this shit right now called cherry bomb, it really medicated, but damn the exhale sucks like it tastes all florally lol


Active Member
i had some shit called wet bud that was horrible, it was sticky-moist and really hard to break up even with scissors and a grinder. got me high as shit, but worst taste ever

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A friend of mine found an old stash. The shit was even brown. We were out and wanted to get a little buzz. Worst weed. Ever. I didn't find out until after we toked that it was over two years old. I thought I was going to die. :shock:


Active Member
i had some shit called wet bud that was horrible, it was sticky-moist and really hard to break up even with scissors and a grinder. got me high as shit, but worst taste ever
if this is the same 'wet' bud that was going around the northeast a while back then its soaked in formaldehyde and should NOT be consumed... ever :)


Well-Known Member
prb a WHILE back when i got a 20$, dude hands me half a zip of the brownest, seeded bud i ever consumed. guess it was worth it back then.


Well-Known Member
Brown mexican seeded bag weed. Back in the day that was all that was available. 5-6 years ago I bought a quarter pound at a real cheap price (otherwise i wouldn't have bought it). Compared to green bud, tastes like shit but it did give a mediocre buzz. I stored it in the freezer for years, moved and put it away in a drawer for 3-4 years. Tried smoking some a few years back, it was disintegrating, tasted terrible, and the THC was all degraded. All I got was a headache. Desperate times....


Well-Known Member
worst dirt was in the aluminum foil balls i bought in the carribean!! If it didn't have seeds i woulda guessed if it was even weed.


Well-Known Member
ugh some shit i bought from a friend, barely gave me a buzz and tasted like straight up dirt.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i went to meet a friend who turned out to be a scum bag, i give him a twenty pound note he give me a bud that was supposed to be 3.4 g's ...............WELCOME TO BRITAIN


Well-Known Member
I don't ever get 'bad' weed really. I may complain about prices but to be fair I only ever get top to mid grade strains.

Sour Diesel is the worst, I guess, but I've had some pretty skanky tasting roach joints in a dry spell.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I like the stuff that looks ok but smells like last years silege , learn to fuckin let the weed cure , before you sell me this pathetic piece of plant material , i dont giv a fuck if you growed it in your mums locker at work, if your going to represent nice weed, then sell me what you say your freakin sellin , not 2 gramms under ..............thankyou