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  1. Eharmony420

    aeroponic sprinkler heads?

    here it is i think pics hard for me to post
  2. Eharmony420

    aeroponic sprinkler heads?

    i found these on ebay now i need a pump, i wonder how big! Sorry if this seems to nub to post or pointless but this my i bored on my day off work in progress post, plus i get so excited over this hoby shit!:hump:
  3. Eharmony420

    aeroponic sprinkler heads?

    :spew:i am going to head over to hd soon and wondering for a small aerponic system what kind of sprinker heasds should i get also its killig me ooking at pumps. like how big do i need. I wanna run like 2 pcx pipes thru a rubbermaid and have like maybe 4-8 heads in all. I think. Cant wait to got...
  4. Eharmony420

    Unsterile medium... What can happen right??

    yeah go dwc! please its real cool.
  5. Eharmony420

    cloning during 12/12 when there's no more room for seperate grow room

    Wish me luck, i just transplanted my clone from a bubbler where it had huge roots to the dwc on flower with my other big girl. The clones have huge roots but narely any stem, In the bubbler they mostly just grow roots and the stalk get gets thicker. First grow i am hoping from this...
  6. Eharmony420

    Firts grow so far so good

    Oops sry lol
  7. Eharmony420

    Firts grow so far so good

    :hug:Atea love ur signature, have it on my desk top, ironically enough here i am again today dicking around waiting for my pharacy to fill my damn oxi prescription. I do this every month . . . for ever! Rofl. Anyway ur plants are awesome alot better than mine at month 4, lol i beat the crap...
  8. Eharmony420

    Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol

    :weed:Was serioly thinking of making my next grow ebb and flo and have all the generalities worked out. I had thot about aeroponic but had switched over to ebb. Just saw ebays newest aeroponic kit and have decided i can build better and am now back to aero. Aeropoinc i hear better anyway and...
  9. Eharmony420

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    Is that marijauna or a frickin hedge? Seriously tho u answerd my how many inches between each net pot i need for my bext hydro, i got one in a 4 pot stealth hydro right now i am either making my own ebb and flo or my own aeroponic, gowing to hd to lok at pumps ad sprinlers right now. Aeroponic...
  10. Eharmony420

    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics Growing Topp 44 Strain, FIRST GROW

    lol, at first i thot rosemans pics were greenthumbs next pics. Rofl. Fuck i yelled mine didnt do that!
  11. Eharmony420

    UV Lighting

    :joint:I aint no expert but i read some things. Burp. Lol, Uv light i guess stimulates or attacks the plants into thinking they need to produce more thc to survive like sunblock. It's true. Like at the equator. Thc is their sefense i read. I aint no expert tho. Also the glass in the hoods...
  12. Eharmony420

    Homemade bubbler - pics soon

    use a slide stem form any head shop. Pop it into a 2 liter bottle and pop a hole near the top for ur thumb. I like spryte, try others, some work good some are just wrong!
  13. Eharmony420

    ebb and flo helped me

    i was having some ebb and flo fun yesterday, i found this! Simple ebb and flow system Building an Ebb and Flow System An ebb and flow system is one of the easiest hydroponic systems to build yourself. All of the parts needed can be found locally to you, if you cannot find them we can...
  14. Eharmony420

    Ever went to school high or tripping?

    :joint:i tripped a ton through good old high school, lol. Stoned too. Got straight A's . :weed:I wanted to get A's though and well teachers just sorta cracked a joke if they saw anything. I remeber sitting in 5th peroiod in once though and looking at my hand and it was shaking. I thought i...
  15. Eharmony420

    ebb and flo help

    cocoa fibier in ebb and flo pot? Ty, i had only thot they were for soil, sorta, i gotta lot more reading to do, hpe this faster than dwc, with the increased oxygen i hungry for my plants too.
  16. Eharmony420

    ebb and flo tray help

    yep, i have just fallen in love with cloning and i read a post wher in an ebb and flo table a Mr. A.L.Bfuct uses rockwool cubes cutup as a medium in the pots. I diy'd lol a dwc bubbler cloner and got 100% success. Just waiting on current girl to finish flower. Cloning is beautiful, damn. I...
  17. Eharmony420

    ebb and flo tray help

    :weed:Thank you ganja goddess. :leaf: I wish there was a cheaper substitute at home depot for a medium i could use. I am so over cost on supplies this month. I jumped into gorwing and learned as i went. Now i got everything. Bought a lot of the wrong crap. Anyway, barring that ebay has...
  18. Eharmony420

    12 days flowering, 250w CFL. Pictures!

    that is huge, lol. My plant is as good as yuors but with one exception, Im a month in flower! Lol, i new a fucked her up a bit wiht stress and all as this is my first bu damn she botched. Good luck too you thanks for the pics, i think i need to ge my clones going.
  19. Eharmony420

    1st Hydro System, Grow Design - Help!

    spelling sucks=english major. enough said.
  20. Eharmony420

    1st Hydro System, Grow Design - Help!

    well i almost as new a you but i am a dwc right now and i planning to do a ebb and flo if i can budget it. I got a gorw tent a 400 hp with conver ion valve the fan i need and ducting. I got a bubbler and 20 or o net pot. I waiting on my learning grow to finih and the 1 plant i got that i...