Unsterile medium... What can happen right??


Well-Known Member
I know its not a good idea, but im a broke ass right now, and dont have the money for some good soil, so i took my sorry ass to the local gardening store with my 2 dollars in quarters and dimes and bought my self a bag of cheap ass top soil.

This shit is to heavy for prolific root growth so i needed something to airate. So i decided to use sand from my lake frontage. I plan on getting some good soil within the next two weeks, but these seeds needed to go in.

SOOO what should i do, or is there anything i can do to avoid any problems?


Well-Known Member
Nothing you can do now except maybe use some beneficial soil organisms to try to inoculate the soil from the bad ones.

Mycorrhizae Inoculants for better plant roots and healthier plants.

Just an idea.
Yeah? Ive heard of that stuff, ive actually used it before, and my root systems went nuts. Ill definatly use it.

So would it be at all benificial to, when transplanting, rince the root system thourolly ( i tried) with water, washing them down to the root?

Yeah, hydro is for my future. Right now i just need to learn how to grow good buds.


Well-Known Member
you can also use thrive alive and super thrive lil extra boost coffee grounds in the top and a lil bat guano tea for feeding 2x a week