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  1. Eharmony420

    1st Hydro System, Grow Design - Help!

    Rofl, i understand what u got now, u good listen to that guy. $ buckets, cool. DWC is so easy and forgiving u gonna have a good time
  2. Eharmony420

    1st Hydro System, Grow Design - Help!

    how does the water drain. Lol, i confused. Do you pipe it back? The water cant sit in the buckets, itll have to drain or keep pumping somehow liek NFT nutrient film technique/ Do yu have a water pump? Lets start there.
  3. Eharmony420


    Any body else counting up the bud sites on their plant while it flowers? I got to like 30 so far. New small ones growing. This is my first, botched plant, i already have the know how and the equipment to do better. I hope for at least an ounce tho. I worried my plant so stunted this is just...
  4. Eharmony420

    Best online head shop?

    grasscity is having security problems with their browser it says when i try and pay. Trying to buy a vibrating condom ring, rofl, cant resist, also a pollen press looks interesting. Dont know what i want to keep all that fricking pollen for jesus it a dangerous mess, ever seen it? Everywher...
  5. Eharmony420

    1st Hydro System, Grow Design - Help!

    :weed:hers a pic of dwc. U can build this for like 10 dollars. I suggets yu do but make the pots farther apart. Thsi to close for 4 plants i fnd. Net pots are on ebay a dime a dozen literally. Then u got airpump, airstone, and nutrients. I transpalnted form dirt to hydro then cloned my...
  6. Eharmony420

    1st Hydro System, Grow Design - Help!

    My spelling rocks. Ist esaire to rade tihs wya. Is that right lol?
  7. Eharmony420

    1st Hydro System, Grow Design - Help!

    For dwc put ome wholes in a rubbermaid bin and some net pots. The drop in ur airstones. Its beyond simple. For the other, ebb and flo, gotta flood those plants on a timer few times a day for as long as it takes to fill the pots. You'l need more complicated setup than ur drawing, like a tray...
  8. Eharmony420

    Flowering seedlings?

    :dunce:LOl, i have posting the same problem with now repsonses. Except i have 5 clones and one flowering plant. The clones in a dwc bubbler with 5 inch roots and the flowering girl has 3 weeks or so left i think. Maybe pull the flower and flower it in a sep closet under cfls and use my one...
  9. Eharmony420

    Buds sites on plant

    Any body elscounting up the bud sites on heir plant while it flowers? I got to like 30 so far. New small ones gorwing. This is my first botched plant, i already have the know how and the equipment to do better. I hope for at least an ounce tho. :leaf::weed::fire: i love these pics i can...
  10. Eharmony420

    What does this look like to you? .. I found it on Google Earth

    poppys, us governments secret stash of capitol heroin.
  11. Eharmony420

    smoking male plant

    in highschool i put a chopped up codeine pill on a bowl of marijauna. I smoked that. I saw a movie where the guy snorts snow. LOL
  12. Eharmony420

    ballast prob?? PLEASE help!!

    damn, i got one of those econo ebay ballasts. It works fine for now, a little hot a litlle noisy ,lol. Did yurs come marked in a box that siad 400 hps on the label, mine did lol. Fed ex kid was all smiles. i hope mine fine. I cid not wait one more paycheck for a digital. :wall:
  13. Eharmony420

    one plant in flower, 5 clones?

    lol, nice bud growth on my survivor plant today! Same with clones, root still white, tailing everywhere cant find my camera cord.
  14. Eharmony420

    one plant in flower, 5 clones?

    my clones are with a few inches of root gorwth, more like 4 and 5 inches, with a a couple inches up top where i cut them. They in a dwc bubbler. pretty much they are jsut growing roots still.:leaf:
  15. Eharmony420

    newbie needs help picking light source

    I got a 400 watt hps on ebay with mh bulb for 100 + hipping. I wud spend more though and get a digital ballast if i were you. I got the htg euro hood for inline cooling because i found out that light get real hot lol. That was 100. I got a 25 dollare 6 inch duct fan for light. I got a...
  16. Eharmony420

    one plant in flower, 5 clones?

    HELP< I BORED WITH ONE PLANT AND 5 CLONES! Lol, i might do something stupid!:fire:
  17. Eharmony420

    how often to use ferts

    :leaf:Go with DWC< HYDRO. First time grower here and dex i my dream come true in terms of ease.:leaf:
  18. Eharmony420

    Planted all in one pot

    i ripped four plants outa a pot and stuck them all into a dwc. The one that wasnt maele is flowering nicely. Lol, they survuve just realise later u will have to do a lotta patient kicking urself in the ass as u wait and wonder how mucch better they would have been if you had not had to repot...
  19. Eharmony420

    one plant in flower, 5 clones?

    :leaf: One plant in flower and its pollinated and 5 clones all healthy. Hmmm. I started this grow on a whimsical note, just dropped a seed and who knew it cud grow. Lol, i botched and butchered it until i joined this sight and started reading. I now have a 400 wat hps / Mh, euro hood, fans...
  20. Eharmony420

    eatable pipe

    it's my birthday today. Someones bringing over a bag of apples. I got something someone told me was mr. nice guy.:weed::fire: My plants still a growing.