one plant in flower, 5 clones?


Well-Known Member
:leaf: One plant in flower and its pollinated and 5 clones all healthy. Hmmm. I started this grow on a whimsical note, just dropped a seed and who knew it cud grow. Lol, i botched and butchered it until i joined this sight and started reading. I now have a 400 wat hps / Mh, euro hood, fans, 4x4x6.5 grow tent, tubs and basic know how. I am wondering??? Should i u think pull the flowering plant from the tent put under cfls somewhere and throw the clones in the tent and start under a metal halide veg period. I will have a real grow at least going and not wasting what i guess is another month of flower time on the original female which is pollinated ?
(by me i wanted seeds). I know its possible but i was wondering i f anybody could add some ideas. I wont list all i came up with im sure u have them too just wondering what everyone thinks is best. Anybody ever reveg in flower? Hmmm, as it is the female is looking better everyday but i know it is a stunted slow beast that is pollinated anyway.:weed:


Well-Known Member
my clones are with a few inches of root gorwth, more like 4 and 5 inches, with a a couple inches up top where i cut them. They in a dwc bubbler. pretty much they are jsut growing roots still.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
lol, nice bud growth on my survivor plant today! Same with clones, root still white, tailing everywhere cant find my camera cord.