Search results

  1. Eharmony420

    Water Pump Versus Air Pump?

    Get both shotgun the veg and the flower chamber, 15- 20 more bucks a month, hell with all the energy saving i put into effect after i got my hid i catually saved 25 frickin dollars on the next energy bill. I not Kidding!
  2. Eharmony420

    Water Pump Versus Air Pump?

    I got the 400 and was pissed that i had overkill for what i wanted. Lol, i was like wtf its an oven! But now i love it. I admiring the big nug that are thickening. Yur tent is small for a 400 i think but u have those million killer fan dont yu? U could get a vented hood and run for the 400...
  3. Eharmony420

    ebb and flo tray help

    just tried experiment with rockwool cut up into cube as a medium. After they got wet first and didnt float up it worked pretty neat. That stuff si cheap. I took a net pot and dunked it with the rockwool and a clone. I will do this 2 times a light cycle by hand just to see what happens, i got...
  4. Eharmony420

    Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol

    cool, i gonna check out yer video link, also i noticed that ur spryers point down, very nice, and i was wondering how many times u have to clean them? hope i did not miss that
  5. Eharmony420

    Methadone withdrawls

    i been taking oxycodone for 2 years striaght. Lately i been "running" out ealry as i deliver a tolerance. Thats why i switvching to pot and hoping to get off the opiates all together. I can be worse i say as run out 2 weeks early every month now for like 6 months now. I go a few days a...
  6. Eharmony420

    Weird girl, my first flowerer

    In fact she looks like she is 3 weeks into flower she had little veg time maybe a awkward week or two at most under weak weak lighting. I was an ididot, lol
  7. Eharmony420

    Weird girl, my first flowerer

    HELP My one and only first female i pollinated i hope. I think i hope, dammit. Lol. Anyway she had been budding since i guess a few days before august i think. Hers the thing, he had a real rocky start, sorta threw a bagseed into some housplant dirt in my place, forgot it and a few day later...
  8. Eharmony420

    My Grow Room

    I got the same tent and the same size light lol. I subscribed, i a hydro guy, for now , tho.:hump:
  9. Eharmony420

    Most Attractive Grower

    :hump:ah here it is:hug:
  10. Eharmony420

    Most Attractive Grower

  11. Eharmony420

    Most Attractive Grower

    new grow lol. I ok, grains of salt. New grower i mean. Staying awake with my plants, nm i will post my pic.
  12. Eharmony420

    helping a new grower

    :joint:If i had 500 dollars id buy a 600 watt digital ballast, those good horti bulbs, a spell checker, a 3x4x6.5 tent, a cool tube, a inline fan, a charcoal filter, and ud have enough for some cheap dwc tubes and nutes. @nd grow id switch to ebb and flo tables and a sog. Thats what i would...
  13. Eharmony420

    hand technique with hps

    cool i just found that pic in the picutr section, man they got some cool shit in ther. Thsi site is better than tv
  14. Eharmony420

    Most Attractive Grower

    For a bulb kid i needa light too poste my face, lol. U guys fun tho i macking pills trying to sleep thru my pain the weed all gone and the girls yet to ripen:( So i at least up to watch.
  15. Eharmony420

    Homebox XS setup

    good job on the tent i like u did nt want to fuck it up any longer half assing it and bought a tent. I have a vented hood and duct fan going they work ed good and i just tried and experimental intake fan instead of passive intake and the temp jsut dropped 3-5 degress more total 10 degree drop...
  16. Eharmony420

    Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol

    greenthumb21 had a full aeroponics setup
  17. Eharmony420

    Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol

    saw a aeropoinc site on "new posts" plant problems. this guy uses full str nutes in his grow. Big setup i seen it on here before i getting name
  18. Eharmony420

    Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol

    I know waht u mean about building bon doggey. FUN. hepa ounds cool, let me know what mister heads u get and what pump works i gonna wait maybe week or so before i build. Just got codones for a few weeks in from doc as usual the damn pharmacy a hasle and a half, lol, so i can be patient,lol...
  19. Eharmony420

    Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol

    The girls are god! HEhe the little experimental clone i pulled form my dwc cloner i diyd is shooting off. The female is getting some thick full buds under that 400 hps i got less than a foot away. I think it almost grew an inch under the light the other day while in "day" . I thought they...
  20. Eharmony420

    Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol

    These for sale dwc and the like are not showing weed or if they are four mj they are clones because these plants even with no veg get big. I imagine u cud sog the plants in these litlle 5 gallons with 4 pots but full grows are gonna be tricky. Plus the plants will drain the re almost every day...