Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol


Well-Known Member
:weed:Was serioly thinking of making my next grow ebb and flo and have all the generalities worked out. I had thot about aeroponic but had switched over to ebb. Just saw ebays newest aeroponic kit and have decided i can build better and am now back to aero. Aeropoinc i hear better anyway and without having to mees around with all the 3 gallon pots and medium i am pleased. I want something as eeasy looking as a bubbler but with more oxygen and aeroponic looks right. I aam wondering how big a pump i should get? Any thoughts to any of this, just bored:joint:

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
You have sparked my interest and I am in the process of building my setup today. I will be going over to local Hydro Shop and make a decision between the hydroponic bubbler system and the aeroponic system and let you know what size pump I get I will be going with a setup for 4 plants so I don't know if it will be relative or not for you...


Well-Known Member
Hold the phone. Just watched u tubes fogger demonstration! This beauty is not as expensive as i thot. This fixes the nesxt problem i have found, that aeroponic mistes will clog, and that almost also i found that most aeropoinc sets sold are ctually sprayers not actual misters, as misters like i said get clogged. Now i gotta decide should i work out the mister prob, they do look cheap by the way or move to fogger, a cheap fogger goes for 25 dollars and tis guy was growing some massive tomatoe plants, Utube look up foggers, lol, ty for reading my post


Well-Known Member
Hold the phone. Just watched u tubes fogger demonstration! This beauty is not as expensive as i thot. This fixes the nesxt problem i have found, that aeroponic mistes will clog, and that almost also i found that most aeropoinc sets sold are ctually sprayers not actual misters, as misters like i said get clogged. Now i gotta decide should i work out the mister prob, they do look cheap by the way or move to fogger, a cheap fogger goes for 25 dollars and tis guy was growing some massive tomatoe plants, Utube look up foggers, lol, ty for reading my post
oo looks good going to try and make a bad ass system in a little bit


Well-Known Member
Lemme post up a few pics of my DIY aeroponic system. Its rather nice I think.. But it is my baby so I guess my view is skewed. Gimme a few hours.

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
Waiting on those pics....

Anybody find a how to on the aeroponics setup?

You mentioned using an Active DWC system for your drip I imagine you are serving your nutes and all that good stuff that way also? Does this allow for a little less attention I have been hearing all around that soil is more forgiving but how moody is hydroponics really if your a mature responsible individual for personal use?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the responses. Love it too i got the ebay pic of a small aeroponic sys, u can see how diy of it looks good. U can also see the miter i wa talking about. They arent the mister ones so i guess they get clogged less. Ill show u a fogger firt, what i was looking at. I am jumping all over about ebb and flo aeroponic and foggers, thanks for keeping up. Right now i run a dwc and it works great, very forgiving, no oned died yet, same with dwc bubbler i made, 100% success.

this is the fogger!:joint:


Well-Known Member
notice with their aeropoinc system the roots will eventually lay in the water that is not true aeroponic, also notice that the misters are actually sprayers. This whole setup could be built for 20 dollars or under. the fogger head is 25 for the simplet one.

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
For it to be a true aeroponic I would image it would have a resevoir feeding the misters in the grow bin...would the grow bin be drained back into the resevoir or would you have a seperate drainage I imagine the objective is to not have the grow bin build up with water right? Sorry trying to make sure if I decide to build this one I get it right.....I am currently in the works on a bubbler system but my local shop doesn't have the air pump in stock so this might be good. For the aeroponic would it be beneficial to have a dual output pump and run a drip system or is this overkill would maybe wind up in burn more often then not?


Well-Known Member
Lol, i never thot about the reervoir nute str. I guess u just do the reservoir the same and the system takes care of th rest. More i tink of it that makes sense. Although i hear that with these systems u dont have to use as much nutrients do the greater uptake, so actually i guess less nutes or we will get rootburn, lol. Less nutes greater aborbtion, or nute burn.


Well-Known Member
right about the reservoirs the whole point is more oxygen to the roots. Foggers give the most then misters then ebb and flo then dwc. I beleive this ti be true. So some root sitting in a reservoir after being mister fed is pointless. Use 2 rubbermaids and have a drain valve in the top one so the water runs back in. Check ur ppm to see what nute level wroks best, i bet it posted somewher how much is ball park to start. I guess go with 1/4 str and build up till dam. With hydro u notice dam next day and jut correct it with reservoir change. :)

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
ah good call sounds good to me heh heh...guess i need two sterilite plastic totes now check that off on the shopping list for tomorrow....sounds like this could be many plants are you going to have going??? I was going to use a 5Gal for the grow...


Well-Known Member
u can get aquariom pimps air pumps at any pet shop. I got mine and another for 10 and 3 dollars. Get the biggest u can afford. More air the better.


Well-Known Member
I have a 5 gal with only one plant going and thats beacsue the ther 3 were male. I kept it small with little vedge time and stunted due to it being a learning grow. Realyy i beat the crap out her then seeded her so i wont have to buy again. Got 4 clonrs. But I WOULD GET BIGER THAN A 5 GET bigger than a 1o or at least a 10. The 5 will barley hold 2, lots of pruning on the sides. My next gorw i getting at least a couple of tens or a giant pair. It depends on if i go for a fogger wchich is a longshot.


Well-Known Member
These for sale dwc and the like are not showing weed or if they are four mj they are clones because these plants even with no veg get big. I imagine u cud sog the plants in these litlle 5 gallons with 4 pots but full grows are gonna be tricky. Plus the plants will drain the re almost every day by drinking in a 5. Seriosly one can eat almost i thibk a whole gallon a day it looks like. Maybe a half but wow they get thirsty pluus evapotration under a hid u gotta think. Hey i gonna opne my tent now. Sleeep i over:)


Well-Known Member
The girls are god! HEhe the little experimental clone i pulled form my dwc cloner i diyd is shooting off. The female is getting some thick full buds under that 400 hps i got less than a foot away. I think it almost grew an inch under the light the other day while in "day" . I thought they grew at night, lol.

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
Well right now I am thinking if I do the aeroponic I would want to serve new oxygen into the grow bin I am going to be using a HEPA filter anyway on my intake i bet I could rig something up gonna have to play with that idea. As for the bins I think I am going to try a 5 Gal grow bin and maybe a 10 Gal Resevoir because I want to split my tent into a 2 room eventually with some crazy grade mylar. The size of the grow bin I don't think should matter too much especially if I am feeding clean oxygen with this NASA grade HEPA filter lol this is more fun then I have had in a long time....

I am going to be running the 400 HPS as well and in similar quarters so it is good to hear the results....


Well-Known Member
I know waht u mean about building bon doggey. FUN. hepa ounds cool, let me know what mister heads u get and what pump works i gonna wait maybe week or so before i build. Just got codones for a few weeks in from doc as usual the damn pharmacy a hasle and a half, lol, so i can be patient,lol. I thinking of getting a t5 for a veg chamber maybe plitting tent or using a dresser i got snd stripped for free from pawn shop out back, nice find, and just running a sog in the tent with the 400. Man clones are some exciting shit and with the bubbler cloner i built i got 100 percent success. I cant find yur pics bling? ty all so far