Aeroponic means less male order medium, lol


Well-Known Member
saw a aeropoinc site on "new posts" plant problems. this guy uses full str nutes in his grow. Big setup i seen it on here before i getting name


Well-Known Member
Sorry for being a slow poke... ummm now I just need to figure out how to post pics lol. Give me a few.... I cant add pictures from my gallery? emmmm

This is a Aeroponic/NFT or DWC system. Roots are stained pretty good from a few additives and plants are loving the system. Blue filter that you see in one of the pictures is attached to the net pots, I find that this give the plants a bit more holding strength once they get into late flowering.

Quick run-down of the system

Pic 1 : Water Chiller and reseviour top off which holds 8 gallons of water
Pic 2 : Little Giant water pump, Air pump, Line filter
Pic 3 : 8" Vortex fan
Pic 4 : Sprayers, there are 4 lines for a total of 32 spray heads
Pic 5 : Roots that are setting in about 2 inches of water NFT/DWC part
Pic 6 : Flower room, 17 Manadala Sadhu's scrogged, grow surface is slanted to give me a 4x8 grow surface. This is week 6 of flowering.

O and a general run down of the room : 2- 1k hps, 1 - 1k mh so 3k total, CO2 enrichment from a C02 boost bucket thing. Room is sealed and maintained at 78 degree daytime and 70-72- nighttime. 2 large UV bulbs are turned on for 2 hours at mid-day lights on. Nutrients - House & garden Van de zwaan full nutrient line. "Aqua Flakes A&B, Root excelurator, Multi-Enzym, Top Boost, Bud XL, Green Magic, Shooting Powder, Drip Clean"

Yes I have high hopes from this grow :P


Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a good thing going there and thanks for the pics that is helping me a lot in my planning phase right now going to go back out to the hydro shop and prolly pick up a water pump if I can settle on a grow bin size and manage to find it which didn't happen yesterday. Are your sprayers the misters or foggers that EHarmony has been talking about. Have any info on your sprayers or are they home made? You mentioned the chiller what temp are you bringing the water too...if I can't pick one of those up right away is it a big deal?


Well-Known Member
Water chiller is only semi important in aeroponics. Reason being is that when you spray the water it is cooled down quiet a bit. However high water temps + high room temps = high water spraying temps.

The misters are just standard 360degree misters. They operate between 10psi and 50psi, at 50psi they can produce an ALMOST aeroponic mist which is sub 50micron water droplets. I would say I am producing around 100micron droplets and Im running about 20psi.

IMPORTANT : If you are just going to buy a water pump now, if you can, buy one that can run inline or submersed. Inline water pumps will not raise your water temp nearly as much.


Well-Known Member
Just checked out TusselTussel's link, if you follow that you will have basically the same idea as what I run. Your water pump kinda makes the difference on how close to a true aeroponic system you can get. A water pump that is designed to have head pressure is desired. You will be able to tell a pump that is designed for this situation by its inlet/outlet size. Big inlet and Small outlet. Generally 1" in / 1/2 outlet. Or 3/4" in and 1/2" out. These pumps a generally more expensive.

THis is the pump I use Model : 4-MDQ-SC

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
Interesting I will make sure I get the proper specs on the water pump however I was really planning on using something that I would image would be far less capable then the pumps you showed me I was looking into the RIO 120 GPH or 200 GPH subermissible pump obivously not the caliber you are using but am I crazy to think that this would work...4 plants don't know if that really makes a diff


Well-Known Member
I feel ya. Water pumps are very situational, I would recommend against the RIO pump in a system with misting heads. I have experience with them and its not good :) They go bad quiet a bit sooner than you would like do to the head pressure. If anything I would say go with a small mag-drive pump.

How much money you looking to spend, I can find ya a water pump to match your needs. I would say for 4 plants you will want 8 sprayers or so, a 150-250 gph pump should work.

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
lol Honestly now that I am going for the aeroponics instead of straight hydroponics I am not quite sure I was going to spend 13 bucks on a air pump I guess my round about for a water pump would max at 30-50 but I would like to spend as little as possible at this point I know it sounds dumb but i gotta stick to it somewhat....also I am going to be getting the 250HPS and those aren't cheap :) but I will be making some adjustments to the plan as everyone seems to think im going a bit crazy with getting multiple blowers for intake and exhaust...


Well-Known Member
cool, i gonna check out yer video link, also i noticed that ur spryers point down, very nice, and i was wondering how many times u have to clean them? hope i did not miss that


Well-Known Member
Aeroponics allows for the plant to absorb more nutrients due to the fact that the roots are almost 100% of the time full saturated with oxygen. So ya you can run a slightly lower nutrient regime.

Bon Doogey : You are on the right track my friend. What I do is, transplant my rooted clones into large net pots. They go directly in the large system with the sprayers on. I put a small drip line to each plant to make sure they get water until they have roots hanging into the misters. Once the roots grow you can shut the drippers off if you like. My setup just tee's my little giant pump into the misters and the drippers. The drippers are controlled my a simple pvc shutout valve that is only open like a 1/4 turn.


Well-Known Member
Eco pumps are decent. I would suggest either spending 60-70 on a decent pump or spend 40 on two cheaper pumps. Two just to have one setting as a backup, a day without a pump in an aeroponics system is a day of completely dead plants.


Well-Known Member
I have never takin my sprayers out to clean them "well they get cleaned inbetween grows" but I also use a 100micron inline filter. It was only 15 bucks and has saved me alot of headache.

P.S - I point my sprayers down so the roots dont get tangled up in them. I would say spraying from the bottom would give better coverage, but only if you can get to the sprayers to clean them.


Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
I got 5 inch net baskets are these too deep should I go get the 3" baskets or 3.75? I am thinking that is too much medium I am in a smaller setup only 2-4 plants


Well-Known Member
where did yu get that inline filter and how much filtering is it doing. I curiou about filtering nutes, i guess 100 micron lets them thru, and is their a fillter trap so yu can see what it picked up? Let us know what u captured. License plates, pills, bodies. . .

Bon Doogey

Well-Known Member
Anybody know where i can get these foggers I looked for the Vortex mister couldn't find that either...checked the video on you tube but the company is not around anymore lol if anyone goes to the link im sure you'll shit yerself....