Homemade bubbler - pics soon


Well-Known Member
1 socket
2 spice container
3sharpy highlighter
4fish tube
5home made screen

im gunna add pics of it once i find out how. the marker is a stem the sockets a bowl and the tube is for sucking in on it


first get a socket (one of the long ones mine says 9 in a box on it) and melt a hole in the cap of the spice container like the stuff oregano comes in.

now stick the socket in the hole and let it get hard and firm up.

next get a FAT sharpy accent highlighter and take a towl and bite the part were you draw with off, melt the back part with the white thingand stick a knife in the side where the edge of the white think is and pull it out.the marker part should slide out, wash the inside of it.

now take screen from a window screen or burn off stuff off of twist ties and make a screen and stick is in the bottom of the bowl (make sure nothing will fall threw) and then if it balls up hit it off a table to make it flat then stick it back in the hole.

heat up the big part of the marker and slide it over the socket (dont let it touch the socket) and firmly stick it to the underside of the lid and hold it there till it drys and sticks. This will be a stem

nowmelt a choke in the side of the jar. (a little from half way up)

now heat up the other side (1 inch or 1 half inch down on the other side of the choke) and poke it with a screw driver. now take fish aquarium tube and poke it in the hole (its hard to get in there so dont give up on it) if it slides in and air goes into other parts around the tube you need a new jar thing.

after thats set up and theres no air leaks put water almost half way up screw on the cap tightly but gentaly and put the socket in the hole and put some weed in there.

I will post a pic after my camra charges so come back later and see if you did it right


New Member
... How would there be burning plastic ?

Good luck with that mr.man .. You should post instructions on how you did it too.. I've been meaning to make a homemade piece and I have all of the stuff that this bubbler needs lying around my house.


Well-Known Member
use a slide stem form any head shop. Pop it into a 2 liter bottle and pop a hole near the top for ur thumb. I like spryte, try others, some work good some are just wrong!