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  1. Urca

    Message To April : )

    no, im just expecting him to do his job. if its ban worthy, ban. if its thread removal worthy, remove the thread. i dont expect special favors to be handed out against people i dont like
  2. Urca

    Message To April : )

    its just how i feel. you should know that i am not stupid, nor uneducated. i can hold my own. but i will never change how i feel, even if there is good evidence for something... you just dont understand what my mom is like, what my uncle is like... if you did, you'd know why i feel the way i do...
  3. Urca

    Message To April : )

    eh, i know new blood will come in soon
  4. Urca

    Message To April : )

    i would in an instant, but i still live with my madre... no way in hell she will let me grow weed in her house
  5. Urca

    Message To April : )

    those pics of weed are beautiful... wish i could grow
  6. Urca

    Message To April : )

    my day was great at school, i impressed my political science professor. then i looked at riu and yeah... day went down hill
  7. Urca

    Message To April : )

    im talking about if he continues to do it over and over, they are bound to notice requests to remove the same kind of thread over and over
  8. Urca

    Message To April : )

    none of my threads have ever been removed, or banned, or even warned by a mod. if i posted hateful threads that kept getting removed, then i would deserve to be banned
  9. Urca

    Message To April : )

    lol april didnt do anything
  10. Urca

    Message To April : )

    pics of april are in this thread several times
  11. Urca

    Message To April : )

    Well, im not the one who had it closed down, so im just saying, obviously the thread got removed... if its the same person doing it over and over, doesnt it make sense that they would get banned?
  12. Urca

    Message To April : )

    honestly, and this isnt me picking a fight with you just because of your hateful nature, but threads like that get people banned if they keep happening. im sure you still want to post on riu from your account, so started a new thread about me just gets you in trouble. food for thought
  13. Urca

    Texas Is Soo Fucking Archaic

    inbox is full danny
  14. Urca

    You already know, since every dude wants a peice of orca meat right?

    You already know, since every dude wants a peice of orca meat right?
  15. Urca

    Message To April : )

    ^im surprised at you cause i actually liked and respected you too
  16. Urca

    Message To April : )

    Aint that the truth, at least the thread was deleted
  17. Urca

    Message To April : )

    First thing to make me smile all night... OPM
  18. Urca

    Message To April : )

    i know, but i actually liked some of the people who posted, like peacefulkid, ganjames... It only hurts because i didnt really do anything but be who i am
  19. Urca

    Message To April : )

    i may be toughened up by years of torment throughout school, but i cant be tough all the time. Idk what im gonna do...
  20. Urca

    Message To April : )

    yeah im done with posting over there, starting new threads... shit ill just reply to other people's threads...