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  1. Urca

    Message To April : )

    well i cant even get my hands on any!
  2. Urca

    what do you use the most?

    I usually do blunts and some ghetto rigged pipes and bongs... its shameful but i didnt have the money to get a pipe
  3. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    Lol oh im not lying...
  4. Urca

    Message To April : )

    ugh, wish i could find someone who sells them, but since i cant grow where i live, and cant make them at home, (live with my madre), i have to buy them, bought brownies one time, ate two, they didnt even hit, my dumbass friend gypped me
  5. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    Yes, all GOOD things... ;) ;)
  6. Urca

    Message To April : )

    ive never had those kind of cookies... would love to try it though!
  7. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    For the same reason they call you daddy....
  8. Urca

    Message To April : )

    It was all sarcasm my dear. ;)
  9. Urca

    Message To April : )

    definitely... looks like she paid about ten bucks for those bad boys based off of how they look... thats classy right there
  10. Urca

    Message To April : )

    her nails look like thick claws
  11. Urca

    Is It Safe To Put Your LapTop On Your

    omg, guys can hurt their nuts with laptop heat? that really, really, really, really sucks
  12. Urca

    Gone Clean.

    Good luck, even though you are kinda shitty to me, i think you deserve this oppurtunity. Best wishes ~Erica
  13. Urca

    Message To April : )

    Oh my god... oh my god... thats all i can say
  14. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    no, it wasnt about clean pipe, i only mentioned because i think giving new pipes or any pipes to meth users is wrong... plus she used tin foil and broken light bulbs. I will never ever forget what she has done, so i will never ever support giving out needles and pipes. Yes, i feel the ugre to...
  15. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    Wow, the guy posted the thread asking everyones thoughts, i gave mine. I gave my reasons too... so im done here. I have to go to class.
  16. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    I personally didnt see anything in the news or the paper, its my own opinion based off of my life experiences
  17. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    No, im saying if she had access to some place safe to do drugs, she would have never come home. Drugs make people do bad things. Like forget they have three babies at home. So fuck that, ill never support it. My mom completely ruined her life, my dad's life, our lives. When she finally got...
  18. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    im not saying what anyone should and shouldnt do. Im saying i will never support it. Go ahead make your safe injection clinics, I will never support the idea
  19. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    eh, im saying she wouldnt have to smoke meth out of broken lightbulbs like she did, etc... my mom was a hard core addict, which is why i will never support programs like this one. EVER.
  20. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    wow, extremely undeserved. excuse me for not wanting to enable hard core drug addicts. fuck off. i never even said anything rude or offensive to you for you to call me bitch, and fatass. BTW, no matter what you call me, i will never be ok with this.