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  1. Urca

    Should they turn +rep to 'love'?

    i give rep... so nope
  2. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    well, only you can fix it. play with fire, you get burned. my mom did meth for a few years when i was a kid, fucked up her teeth, was afraid to go to the dentist. Now she has no top teeth, has to wear a denture. If she had been given a endless supply and clean meth pipes, she would have never...
  3. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    exactly... now tell me, did getting hep help change your life around? did you continue to shoot up?
  4. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    You problably wouldnt have gotten hep if you never decided to use needles
  5. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    lol i highly doubt i will look good in it, but we'll see
  6. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    eh, its just unsavory to me. it really gives them no reason to quit. a) clean needles b)quality drugs c)no fear of overdose d) therefore they cannot hit bottom.
  7. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    lol nope, just update this one
  8. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    play with fire, you get burned. it gives them consequence free drug use
  9. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    fuck it. im sorry i have no sympathy for drug addicts.
  10. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    fine, ill try on the gypsy and the bee, if they dont look good then its dress time
  11. Urca

    Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

    Just leave UB alone, there is no changing him, or people like him on either side of the issue. Just ignore it
  12. Urca

    Safe Injection Sites

    or, how about no meth pipe, no needles, and no cancer stuff? its called being an enabler.
  13. Urca

    Message To April : )

    hey i enjoy carne's body, dont ruin happy time for me
  14. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    well, none of it really seems to click with me. i did like the gypsy and the one you suggested dsb, but i think maybe he would appreciate a sexy dress over a costume
  15. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    the bee is for like a costume party... not really something you'd wear for a guy
  16. Urca

    Message To April : )

    ^DUDE INNAPPROPRIATE. im sorry, but really? knowing her dude can read this? not trying to pick a fight but thats something you pm somebody
  17. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    ok.???? anyway, i just wanted male input on which ones looked nice... my mistake
  18. Urca

    Message To April : )

    yeah i remember those.
  19. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    no, it wouldnt come out
  20. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    :spew: fuck you have me gagging over here... id rather die