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  1. Urca

    Winter Project Poll

    i just like the middle one cause its aesthetically pleasing and functional
  2. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    lol even a few months ago it was vastly different... shit even a month ago it was different...
  3. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    though i will admit i was being a little facetious bitch about it at the time... <----- my bad!
  4. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    its a long story, but yes. i had valid reasons at the time, but i really cant remember anymore, so i really dont care if it's legalized or not.... do as you will. im not for or against it
  5. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    :) its my opinion. im entitled to it. the same way you are entitled to think what you do about me. im not a troll sweety, im just real controversial... im like that even in the real world too... so kisses!
  6. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    honestly, id do seth rogan. not off of looks, but sheer star struckness.... seth rogan = awesome
  7. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    thats dope meta
  8. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    no im not. at all. im just tired of the bullshit. good night sir
  9. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    goddamn it im going to bed for real this time. lets just all chill, be loving
  10. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    how is this victim? im saying cut the crap, no more drama, lets just be chill again
  11. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    thanks... ill take that in advisement... yay for art history tomorrow, we're doing the renaissance... its the shit!
  12. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    eh, its usually by the seat of my pants... i should think about them more... anyway, i really got to get some sleep, so enjoy us in our hawaiian clothes until i can find a better avatar. i was gonna put up a face pic, but i figured would lead to unnessacary drama about how i look
  13. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    most of the threads i start are meant to be funny, not serious, or asking a simple question... bleh.
  14. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    its me, my twin bro, and my older sister when we were little kids... my uncle brought us stuff back from hawaii and made us try it on
  15. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    I dont want to. Im taking the brunt of it for one and for two, this isnt fun anymore. Every thread is drama, what happened to the funny threads?
  16. Urca

    No More Threads About People!

    personally i miss the old toke n talk... just saying... this new trend isnt right. i said my peice. off to hit the hay, have to be up in 6 hours
  17. Urca

    Message To April : )

    ugh i got to be up at 6:30... bed time for erica
  18. Urca

    Message To April : )

    crypt, i didnt provoke any of that... i dont control what they do, dont put it on me, lets just go back to april! as for samwell, you have no idea. so lets just keep our personal trauma to ourselves
  19. Urca

    Message To April : )

    yup. idk... im not trying to punish anyone, im just too raw for that
  20. Urca

    Message To April : )

    sorry it carried over into this thread from dLoc07's thread