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  1. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    lol yes sir...... im just here to talk about pussy and poetry
  2. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    well, last night it was "this thread is for urca" then its the orca thread today, and on every thread of mine... and metasynth's old thread, but he and i think are at an impasse, and etc
  3. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    kuroi i tried to send you another poem but... inbox is full
  4. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    You'd have to be blind to miss the three or fours threads that get to be anywhere from 8-27 pages long about how much they want me gone
  5. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    i would, but not until those assholes leave me alone.
  6. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    Ooh nice kuroi. ill pm you one of mine, im not risking posting it on here... too many hate urca threads already, dont wanna feed into them
  7. Urca

    Pussy <3 <--

    Hmm, i didnt really pay attention to your poem, ill make sure to go back and re read it... i myself am an avid writer of poetry
  8. Urca

    orca whales

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  9. Urca

    Favorite Childhood Memories?

    ^aww i like it
  10. Urca

    Random cool stuff! All welcome!

    first one is my cat trying to catch a fish second one is a pic of me in the school newspaper that my friends drew on third is my now deceased cat sitting on top of the fishtank fourth is black and white arizona tea... yum third is a pic of edgar allen poe i drew
  11. Urca

    bought me a coconut

    well i would be lying if i didnt say the same. my mom's from roca, and my dad's from west point
  12. Urca

    Favorite Childhood Memories?

    Hmm... i used to live in vegas, and as you all may know, sunsets/sunrises there are beautiful. everyday my dad would look around, and pick a mountain. He'd call it a God's Picture, because he said for that one day, that mountain was the most beautiful thing to see... and that everybody had days...
  13. Urca

    Winter Project Poll

    oooh, i like ww's idea... like that color of blue they put on domes in greece
  14. Urca

    bought me a coconut

    how so? its not like i live in nebraska.
  15. Urca

    Autumn aka Fall aka Hoodie Weather

    Autumn is my favorite season... idk why, but everything feels more alive, like life is beautiful... hard to explain
  16. Urca

    bought me a coconut

    i love dried coconut... when i turned ten my grandma made me a pink strawberry bday cake covered in coconut... fond memories, we accidently cut it into the shape of nebraska as we were serving peices of cake... the irony is both sides of my family are from nebraska
  17. Urca

    Redneck Water Fountain

    that is classic
  18. Urca

    Favorite Childhood Memories?

    I was inspired by my avatar to post this thread. That is me at 5 years old with my hair sprayed black on halloween. Halloween always had great memories because my mom went all out on halloween to make it special. Then when i lived with my dad on halloween, my grandma took the time to make me...
  19. Urca

    bought me a coconut

    Coconut is delcious... not a big fan of coconut milk though... i hear its good to cook with
  20. Urca

    The Army

    Best of luck!