Autumn aka Fall aka Hoodie Weather


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite times of the year. Reminds me of eating acid and going to the high school football games and acting a fool. Everything looks so beautiful. So what are your thoughts? Do you like Autumn? Anything person, place or thing it reminds you of?


Well-Known Member
I love Autumn, it reminds me of all my walks through the woods, the smell of wood burning from a chimney... good food, a warm kitchen.

Can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Autumn is my favorite season... idk why, but everything feels more alive, like life is beautiful... hard to explain


Active Member
i love autumn reminds me of bow hunting and slow quiet walks through the great northern woods......mmmmm! i cant wait for bow season to start on the first of october!


Well-Known Member
Im in Texas, and we dont get long winters obviously, and I love me that cool autumn texas weather. Tons of trails and woods to walk around and smoke. Also, to me theres nothing better than a nice bowl of dro first thing on a winters morning watching the sun come up, or watch the overcast get brighter(depending on where you live). Great way to start the day and get stuff done. Cant wait to get me some christmas dro too.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I love the Fall because it's gonna FINALLY COOL THE FUCK DOWN!!!!

We've been in the upper 90's and triple digits since June. I'm over this shit.