Pussy <3 <--


Well-Known Member

Too bad the above retard (bwpz) couldn't even spend a second to find out a little about me before barging into the thread, complaining there wasn't enough porn and then insulting me. Hmmmph...

Rude men miss out. He missed out on a whole lot of panty shots.

No opinions on my poetry?

Ps. Please, this is my thread. No fighting. You may talk to me, courteously to eachother and worship the pussy or ask of its mysterious ways.
The last thing I wanted to see in this thread was some porn, actually. I don't care who you are, or what you stand for in any way. I came here to spread my love of pussy :D I'm actually engaged, and have no need for porn :P


Well-Known Member
I'd like to announce that bwpz and I have come to a mutual understanding privately and I both revoke and sincerely apologize for referring to him as a 'retard'.

Now let the pussy loving resume. Did anyone like my poem?

Wyteberry, poor sir, how on earth did you miss them?

Panty Sniffers, Man Panties, Lace and Frills and RIU boobies are all full of us RIU females. Use the search function, have fun, and perhaps you will be inspired enough to write us a poem :3


Well-Known Member
Hmm, i didnt really pay attention to your poem, ill make sure to go back and re read it... i myself am an avid writer of poetry


Well-Known Member
I'd like to announce that bwpz and I have come to a mutual understanding privately and I both revoke and sincerely apologize for referring to him as a 'retard'.

Now let the pussy loving resume. Did anyone like my poem?

Wyteberry, poor sir, how on earth did you miss them?

Panty Sniffers, Man Panties, Lace and Frills and RIU boobies are all full of us RIU females. Use the search function, have fun, and perhaps you will be inspired enough to write us a poem :3
You're cool in my book :P And about the poetry, it just so happens I'm an avid pussy lover, and I spit hot fire.


Well-Known Member
A man shall revel in the sight
And in her purrs take delight
The perfect curves of her form
Her secret hollows, soft and warm

The whimper when her heart is stoked
The flame that builds when she is stroked
The cat and the woman are formidable you see
The wiles and charms of one's Pussy
The fighting kind of distracted us all from the beloved pussy.


Well-Known Member
Ooh nice kuroi. ill pm you one of mine, im not risking posting it on here... too many hate urca threads already, dont wanna feed into them


Well-Known Member
I shall gladly read it Urca dearest #^^# That was just off the top of my head in two minutes, I am sure your poetry would be far superior x

Hopefully you will feel confident enough to share with everyone another time? Xxx


Well-Known Member
You'd have to be blind to miss the three or fours threads that get to be anywhere from 8-27 pages long about how much they want me gone
You'd have to be blind to miss the three or fours threads that get to be anywhere from 8-27 pages long about how much they want me gone
Excuse me for being the blind man but everytime I see you I don't see people talking bad about u unless I'm that blind


Well-Known Member
Excuse me for being the blind man but everytime I see you I don't see people talking bad about u unless I'm that blind
well, last night it was "this thread is for urca" then its the orca thread today, and on every thread of mine... and metasynth's old thread, but he and i think are at an impasse, and etc


Well-Known Member
well, last night it was "this thread is for urca" then its the orca thread today, and on every thread of mine... and metasynth's old thread, but he and i think are at an impasse, and etc
Don't bring that shit to the pussy thread :P
well, last night it was "this thread is for urca" then its the orca thread today, and on every thread of mine... and metasynth's old thread, but he and i think are at an impasse, and etc
But what's the reason for it?

I hope people grow up and just know this a community of stoners no need for the personal attacks.


Well-Known Member
lol yes sir...... im just here to talk about pussy and poetry
Hell yeah, it's just a bunch of immaturity it seems. Ignore and they'll go away. Like they say, if you got haters, you must be doin somethin right :P