Pussy <3 <--

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Damn! Rj and DSB are like parasite twins! Done in this thread too. Not contributing any MORE to the demolition of Kuroi's thread.


Well-Known Member
For the love of god 0_o

*spanks all the fighting men*

So, in all honesty, do you guys prefer shaved (ANY kind of pattern or completely smooth) or unshaven (perhaps just trimmed) or genuinely don't care? Or do you have a preference for aesthetic reasons and a differing one for the sake of practicality?

Personally I like a girl to at least trim. It's easier to make sure you're all soft, conditioned and fresh down there as well. To me, it shows a bit of consideration towards your partner especially if their face is going down there. However you don't want to look like a pornstar or someone who's always 100% ready to go at any given moment lol I suppose it's a bit different or women. If they actively voice they are up for it, it's looked down upon whereas I constantly hear men comparing the size of their dicks or recommending porn sites to eachother. Like, Wtf?

We need more pussy in here.


Well-Known Member
Big bush is way too 70's and euro for my Michigan ass. Shave that purrrrrrrrrdy thing for a fella. I'm married, and my wife keeps it nice and neat.

Got any good free porn sites? I like tube8.com. Awsome content, all catagorized, and zero computer problems. It's a good one :).


Well-Known Member
We're not about porn in here, we have real women! Isn't your wife enough?

Lol anyway, thanks for your input , at least you're honest. I'll admit, I go nuts if I see two guys wearing alot of eyeliner and a stupidly large fringe on top of eachother... *fantasises*

Whoops. Anyway, back on topic, the taste of a lady can be so specific to who she is, but can be so changeable too. What kind of tastes do you like and have you experimented with diet to try and alter it?


Well-Known Member
We're not about porn in here, we have real women! Isn't your wife enough?

Lol anyway, thanks for your input , at least you're honest. I'll admit, I go nuts if I see two guys wearing alot of eyeliner and a stupidly large fringe on top of eachother... *fantasises*

Whoops. Anyway, back on topic, the taste of a lady can be so specific to who she is, but can be so changeable too. What kind of tastes do you like and have you experimented with diet to try and alter it?

Different tastes????? I may open the fridge and some Franks Red Hot on it. I put that shit on everything! JK. Love the new commercials they have.

How in the heck does one change the flavor despite food intake. They say sperm tastes different. Don't know personally, never will. Maybe you can say if it really does.

And yes, she is enough. Been together for almost 13 yrs. Thus the porn sites LOL.


Well-Known Member
I love when it's shaved mainly bald and smooth. I can appreciate when they get creative with it tho
I used to love totally shaved in my college days. But when you get old and have your own kids, then it's just really really creepy looking. A landing strip is nice sometimes. The mini triangle is a good one too. Any other favorites out there? I didn't get any last night. Damn.


Well-Known Member
I just had the funniest mental image of you opening your wife's legs with the light and fridge noise X3 No offense meant at all to her, by the way.

But yes, I can taste very different according to what I've been eating. Sometimes very tangy and sometimes mild and sweet. Try getting your wife to eat more acidic foods for example and see what happens?

Oh, and a warning when it comes to adding sugar down there, too much and you. Are asking for a yeast infection. Ew...


Well-Known Member
hehe, came to mind that the clit is basically like the tip of the cock.

so i tried kinda sucking the clit like a cock with my lips (and bit tongue)

drives the wife wild (pretty quick way to come too)

though, depending on her sensitivity, ya might to adjust the speed and how much pressure you use. (probably some women this would be too much on, or need real gentle touch (at first anyway, depending on the woman)

occasionally do a quick runabout of the pussy lips and rest of it :) just to spice things up.

then sometimes its really good to use your tongue as a cock in her vagina.

many women seem to orgasm the most in the missionary position, penetrates the most deep and stimulates the clit more (more if the man "works" a bit on it ;))
plus its more intimate and allows for easy kissing and playing with her breasts.

though doggystyle done right is right up there too :D


Well-Known Member
hehe, came to mind that the clit is basically like the tip of the cock.

so i tried kinda sucking the clit like a cock with my lips (and bit tongue)

drives the wife wild (pretty quick way to come too)

though, depending on her sensitivity, ya might to adjust the speed and how much pressure you use. (probably some women this would be too much on, or need real gentle touch (at first anyway, depending on the woman)

occasionally do a quick runabout of the pussy lips and rest of it :) just to spice things up.

then sometimes its really good to use your tongue as a cock in her vagina.

many women seem to orgasm the most in the missionary position, penetrates the most deep and stimulates the clit more (more if the man "works" a bit on it ;))
plus its more intimate and allows for easy kissing and playing with her breasts.

though doggystyle done right is right up there too :D
i once told a girl, "your clit is like a little penis". she never looked at me the same again. :(


Well-Known Member

Much of our girly anatomy corresponds to your equipment. We all start off as the sane basic model so to speak. But with different bits added or space in the dashboard, to use a metaphor.

The little spongy bit at the top of the entrance is an extrension of the clit as well. It swells up and gets hard like a cock too. X3 try pressing gently upwards on that spongy bit too.

Nice that you took the time to do a little exploration and found what makes your girl happy. I know men don't like girls who think a textbook up and down handjob will suffice, just as much as girls hate it when men seem to think it's all 'in out there you go have you cum yet?' I'm a caring person, in that moment the other person's pleasure is everything to me so I go out of my way to experiment until I find what really floats their boat. I've been told my dedication is admirable and I've found turn ons they didn't even know they had through this attitude. Not bragging, just saying I try hard to please.


Well-Known Member
well no....... i havent seen hate threads from her..... but i dont go outta my way just to look for her threads.......... and whats this ass worship??? how can i worship something no one has seen??
you've read my poems? funny, i only pm'd them to kuroi