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  1. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    or just give general goods on your set up, for a expectant germer there is nothing else worth reading.
  2. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    (feel free to rep me for the advice, 2 days without a heating pad and nothing a few hours on a house hold heating pad on low and magic!)
  3. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    if you are like me then northern lights seeds you now know like a heating pad on low under a plate with a bowl covering it. They dont just like it they love it! Few hours on a heating pad and boom. Man were these guys giving me toruble but i was a royal half ass at it thinking my previous runs...
  4. Eharmony420

    single cola plants?

    i have been advised by everyone to smoke white rhino as I a pain patient. I a total ignorant but white rhino many have told me is a potent med plant. Best seller i see everywhere too. Trust howard more than me, just so excited as whote rhino and aurora indica are platns i loking for nighttime...
  5. Eharmony420

    Germing tips and methods

    i want to cry. One of NL got turned upside down. when i chcked it was coming out of the bottom, lol/. I teased it a little to help it as it was bent in double but it ripped. It wud have been bad i bet anyway. Anyway so i with a zero still trying to get rockwool. I germed tho fine in the...
  6. Eharmony420

    Danky^danks grow thread!!!! LED lowryder

    cg on going hid! I had the same led panel as you and the cfls also lol. Few months back. I went 400 and that whole nightmare of heat. gl
  7. Eharmony420

    Can gravel, crshed brick, or ?? be used to as media without anything else?

    i use tire mulch fromthe home depot garden section. it is recycled tires made into a mulch. It is an actual hydropnic medium i found listed on web. But is just read lava rock actually is hell of a good medium, as in it beat eveyting else somehow in a test on weed. Cannastats had it. I am...
  8. Eharmony420

    When A Fire occurs... What normally causes them...?

    hey do i just wire the expsosed third wire in my 150 econ light hps to the third prong of a plug in adapter. do i use normal wire. or do i jus tleave it there hanging inside. i know tis prob stupid, but i wana another sorce.
  9. Eharmony420

    Obama-Biden T-shirt

    lol, sorry to hijack some fundraising
  10. Eharmony420

    Obama-Biden T-shirt

    obama is just a boy. dont be so childish yourself. vote for the republicans, at least act like and adult.
  11. Eharmony420

    Chemical bud growers killing the woods in nw

    what? activism is an activity, after all.
  12. Eharmony420

    Where should i go in amsterdam??

    put some euros over your mouth to disguise your voice
  13. Eharmony420

    Germing tips and methods

    me nl seeds spruted today. germed in paper towles. then to rw. 7=10 ml of water. when needed. every other day or so. the weight in hand method/
  14. Eharmony420

    would you ever approach a head shop??

    go to a university! ask them. u can tel the stoners. all their clothes say "stoner" or if your lucky norml/ dont ask at a headshop/
  15. Eharmony420


    Just want to thank riu. I am sitting here in a 60 degree apt in a leather jaclett and sweats beaming that it looks like my northern lights in srpouting today from rockwool. Yes, i have finally mastered rockwool and have moved beyond bagseed. The impossible rockwool. but i dipped in 7-10...
  16. Eharmony420

    Germing tips and methods

    what about putting the germed seed in rw? i am trying that with my good beans and 4 days later no success. please any adive. i dipthe rw in 7-10 ml of water every day or 2 when the cube is getting lighter. no smells and well it odd.
  17. Eharmony420

    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    love is a tool of propagation. marriage is a tool of propagation. lol, i mean procreation. If they cant propagate can they love, if they arent going to procreate wht are they married? Define marriage and quit screwing around
  18. Eharmony420

    Alaskan Ice Bubbleponics 400W Grow

    cg, i can not get the hang of rockwool starting. I keep reading its because i get ti too wet, this last round still nothing, maybe it too dry. Good luck
  19. Eharmony420


    hey guys just to let you know, is still got the tire mulch media ebb and flo going. I kept watering without checking this site and lucky enough it seems the plants needed more water. i guess, lol. They are trucking. Every hour for 15 minutes and i saw awesome gorwth. I also noticed that with an...