Search results

  1. Eharmony420

    valueline 6 inch fan speed control?

    it is daunting at first but it stillcan be heard thru the closed door and i wanna run it eventually with the door open orwith peepsin apt. mine runs thru a vented hood out thru the roof of the tent thru a duct reducer fan and then the valuline itself then a 6 inch grobirte filter. i alternate...
  2. Eharmony420

    Ballast from Econolight

    i still alive but blind
  3. Eharmony420

    Ballast from Econolight

    hey do i just wire the ground tothe plug withnormal wires.
  4. Eharmony420

    Ballast from Econolight

    i about to wire mineup. if i dont repost smoke a joint for me.
  5. Eharmony420

    Ballast from Econolight

    anybody seee where the econo light ballast pulls 350 for a 150 watt. i just got mine lol:(
  6. Eharmony420

    valueline 6 inch fan speed control?

    i about to head to home depot/ fuck i do love paydays! I have a valueline 6 inch line fan that i need to slow down. I was thinking some kind of speed control. i was wondering if their was any suggestions? i am clueless adn could use some advice. i looked up an old post but it was for dc...
  7. Eharmony420

    leaves? i am looking for cbd in leaves info

    i have read that cbds in leaves are a sedative. i cant find if they are water soluble or if it is fat and alcohol like thc. i am thinking that the sedative tea would be nice. Any one else find that thebaine (in oxycodone) and coffee a little too much "crank" occasionally? lol:joint:
  8. Eharmony420

    Turbogarden/ opinions on new setup please

    there is a journal of the 14 pot version somewhere one here. It really rocked. They guy did not fit all 14 pots but i did not see pics, they were not showing. i almost bought the 14 myself, i still might, or the eight or a ebb table or or or, lol. Ebb seems so solid
  9. Eharmony420

    uh..oh.. finger prints?

    i can track that ass by scent
  10. Eharmony420

    Can I grow with a clear pot?

    roots hate light. funny tho i am using 2 liter bottles, mountain dew and sprite and even some 7 up vintage or circa(?) 2006 and the roots so far are loving it. It is a ebb sysem with tire mulch, not to reveal too much. But as a rule of thumb roots will will die in light and white would be a...
  11. Eharmony420

    got any ideas u wanna toss me?

    i working with this. A 4x4x6.5 tent. A 400 watt hps euro hood. A 6 inch 435 valuline inline fan. A 6 inch grobrite carbon filter. A 6 inch duct booster fan. a oscilating fan. a ebb and flo system. I got high temps but at night the temps have been getting lower with winter. Past few...
  12. Eharmony420

    Shipping Container advice?

    lol, i just got my pain pills and i a little off. but seriosly i was walking around the hd and i was thinking i could spend all day there. any advice ontimers. a dgital flood timer wud rock
  13. Eharmony420

    whats a safe amount of power to use on my first grow?

    hid hut has killer deals on digital ballasts look at their brand.
  14. Eharmony420

    Shipping Container advice?

    My freinds parents are away for the weekend. We were planning on burying a shipping container in their backyard, one of those pods. We both work at the hd and figure we could pull it off. Does anyone in the VT area have a license? It's to rent the cat. Ty. :hug:
  15. Eharmony420

    noob question! first time cloner,confused with this weirdo!

    its in a hydro set up. a dwc. she has some beautiful roots and is a beautiful bushy plant. she had 2-3 weeks in flower. howver do to the nature of her poor upbringign i think she is past the point of no return. there were 3 other clones. 2 i put straight into 12 and 12 after they got some...
  16. Eharmony420

    noob question! first time cloner,confused with this weirdo!

    no but i thought it stupid enuf. random i wanna meet the "ladies".mostly i just use craigs list forone night stands. so idk , lol,what? just curious about the plant, i a little tired so if thisthe wrong forum then please tell me. just want some experience. i sorta learnby doing, a nasty habit.:(
  17. Eharmony420

    noob question! first time cloner,confused with this weirdo!

    i could not possibly have an auotflower straincud i ? i wish,what a weird story to have gotten seedy autoflower. what was the grower doing?lol
  18. Eharmony420

    noob question! first time cloner,confused with this weirdo!

    The first plants i grew were kinda a joke as i got my setup together. I managed to pollinate one for fun andtake it into full flower. got somebuds and a lifetimeof seeds. I also took some clones of the plant whenit was inflower but before i pollinated it. heres the weird part. i kept one...
  19. Eharmony420

    how long i cant find for rw

    yeah,that was exactly it. ty,reps to yu
  20. Eharmony420

    how long i cant find for rw

    how long does it take for germinated seeds to sprout from rw. used a paper towel,when seeds cracked moved to rw.