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  1. Eharmony420

    Maybe i should read a book? Which one best

    :fire:It's about time i bought one of these Ed Rosenthal books. Whcich one and, yeah, "all of them" is what i was thinking too. But what to start with. I am gorwing in a tent in an apt and have a stealth veg cab in a dresser. Perhaps closet cultivator is the right choice. Or maybe how to grow...
  2. Eharmony420

    1 inch stalks in rw, cotelydons openig, nutes?

    thats the truth. i cant wait and aslo incidentally thte pic in ym avatar is working nicely, tho i have little to compare it too, the plants look healthy!
  3. Eharmony420

    1 inch stalks in rw, cotelydons openig, nutes?

    thank you but uh i just miseted with a itsy tiny little solution of less than it looks like 100 ppm!!! SHud i run the water thru the cubes or lett go not wanting to risk drowning the girls. :)
  4. Eharmony420

    1 inch stalks in rw, cotelydons openig, nutes?

    the only pos t on the net i could find worht readign was again a riu post. Man ths site pimps to the search engine. Lol. I read conflicting things but i guess wait. Altho i gonna mist i bet for fun a tiny bit. In mircale grow seed soil they grew fine and i can guess how that works. But on...
  5. Eharmony420

    1 inch stalks in rw, cotelydons openig, nutes?

    help before i do something very stupid/ i cant find on the net where to add or not add nutes to rw cubes. Just soil info. Ow. SO i ask thee, to help me. por favor. please? ty gents
  6. Eharmony420

    1 inch stalks in rw, cotelydons openig, nutes?

    Hi, the first time around I did this was in dirt. My "learnig" to use everything else but rw grow. Now i got 3 N.L. seedlings in rw sprouted a few days about 1 inch tall and with cotelydons opening. Should I use nutes? These are going into a stealth hydro bubbler and until the flora nova...
  7. Eharmony420

    Growing time

    the white part goes down.
  8. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    I got sprouts on all three NL and the Mazar is about to crack. I gotta get a 4 pot dwc ready to make me some mums for the rest. I hope i get all girls/ First grow was 1 girl and 1 guy. We'll see/ hpeing for some roots to crack cube soon. I have removed humid cups from sprouts as the...
  9. Eharmony420

    is this carbon filter effective?

    shh, english major.
  10. Eharmony420

    is this carbon filter effective?

    haha i just bought that and i have been waiting for over a week to get here. I pissed off! They dont comunicat very well and what You can squeeze is lies. I know whne it gets here ti will work. They simple but i am angry with the service. Like i through my veggers inbto flower because it...
  11. Eharmony420

    any advice for the new guy

    Just buy a tent! You'll thank me. Then get a 400 watt switchable mh/hps form the hid hut. Get a digital. Then get a charcaol filter and a fan. Get all this and dont buy useless junk. Lol, thats where all your money will go. Thats where all mine went.:) It will cheaper like this in long...
  12. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    I have commenced germing a mazer afghan. I am hoping that it while a free seed form marijauna N.L is a heaveir indica like its name sounds. Lol, i want a good brown black trichomed beast of a girl to put me to sleep/ Any body know what i mean. Insomnia plus coffee plus oxycodone and now...
  13. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    Lol, i got 3 of them sprouts on their way. With a little heat it looks like they finally taking off. Heres some sprout pics. I got my temps stable with an average of 80. Finally! thanks to winter, a duct fan, an inline fan, and a euro hood i have this with the hood at 10 inchs or less. Last grow...
  14. Eharmony420

    Pronlem germinating

    i tried this with my dificult seeds. SOaked for a few hours. Put in wet paper towel then folded it then put on plate with saucer covering it. Put on heat ign pad set on low. In a few hours I had cracks. Granted it had day or so already but i saw no results. NL neede some heat. A VERY little
  15. Eharmony420

    afghani #1, can someone give me some information?

    for quiet times i use the cuct fan to pull the carbon scrubber. For ok to make noise times an. inline. Inline is almst overkill.
  16. Eharmony420

    My Odor Solution QUESTIONS!!!

    it dot take a whole lot of fan work to move so little amount of air. It isnt moving air thru the filters you gotta worry about its moving the room air to the filter
  17. Eharmony420

    Lets hope its not too hot this time!!!!

    Hey sup m8. Hehe i just started my northern lights grow today, ty for checking out my germ thread. Reps to you. I just ran my first learning grow with some mid seeds form bag. Cloned a few and started a flower chamber going with those, but this my first real grow. I subscribed. Got one seed...
  18. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    hehe, i got a 3 gallon roughneck form the rite aid. I put a healing pad on high in there and put the lid back on. On the lid I placed A reg plate with rockwool cubes and clear platic cups over them. I misted the cubes and the inside of the glasses, later i will prop the cups a little or drill...
  19. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    cg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mazar afgans too?lol
  20. Eharmony420

    Opiates, anyone?

    i just went 4 days without them. I had the ass and nose prob, lol, with withdrawls. My pills came in the mail finally. I take codone and morphine sulphate, permaently. Thanks to all those who recomend imodium and benadryl. Without the pills i take trmadol or ultram i think it called like...