Northern lights like a little heat!


Well-Known Member
if you are like me then northern lights seeds you now know like a heating pad on low under a plate with a bowl covering it. They dont just like it they love it! Few hours on a heating pad and boom. Man were these guys giving me toruble but i was a royal half ass at it thinking my previous runs of good luck were all i needed. Lol. Now on to presoaked rw cubes with a little lemon juice and plastic cups misteed with fliltered water, Still on the heating pad i think! This is my first time germing with rockwool. Hope yu all understand


Well-Known Member
(feel free to rep me for the advice, 2 days without a heating pad and nothing a few hours on a house hold heating pad on low and magic!)


Well-Known Member
hehe, i got a 3 gallon roughneck form the rite aid. I put a healing pad on high in there and put the lid back on. On the lid I placed A reg plate with rockwool cubes and clear platic cups over them. I misted the cubes and the inside of the glasses, later i will prop the cups a little or drill holes, i dont want rot. I am also germing some afgan mazars in reg miracle grow seeed mix, a product that has worked for me in the past. Previously i transplnted the roots form dirt, i hope this rw works. Any advice or comments welcome, this gotta work or I killl mself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!First grow with real seeds


Well-Known Member
Lol, i got 3 of them sprouts on their way. With a little heat it looks like they finally taking off. Heres some sprout pics. I got my temps stable with an average of 80. Finally! thanks to winter, a duct fan, an inline fan, and a euro hood i have this with the hood at 10 inchs or less. Last grow like i said was badly damged by hitting over 95 every grow. Inside that rubbermaid they sit on i got a heating pad on high with ambient temps in the lo to mid 80s. The big system looks like a joke and is indeed full of a few experimental clones. I gonna germ the mazar afgan next. I need more seep weed and i hop that is heavier.



Well-Known Member
I have commenced germing a mazer afghan. I am hoping that it while a free seed form marijauna N.L is a heaveir indica like its name sounds. Lol, i want a good brown black trichomed beast of a girl to put me to sleep/ Any body know what i mean. Insomnia plus coffee plus oxycodone and now morphine make sleep a little tricky. Lol, just rem it is not more fun to stay awake! lol, no night is free. Hehe.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member

Well good luck with them all i potted my 2 sprouted bag seeds yesterday so hopefully ill have a few more pics to share with ya all in a few weeks!


Well-Known Member
I got sprouts on all three NL and the Mazar is about to crack. I gotta get a 4 pot dwc ready to make me some mums for the rest. I hope i get all girls/ First grow was 1 girl and 1 guy. We'll see/ hpeing for some roots to crack cube soon. I have removed humid cups from sprouts as the cotelydons unfold. Had to peel a little seed off with some tweezers of one. They beautiful.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
yeah man i know wot u mean...

I got every single NL seed cracked that ive germed and also all female so far so i didnt get a bad batch but not too worry if it is male ill just germ one of the females from the bagseed ive got with it see what concoction we can come up with!


Well-Known Member
:lol:Hear they are. 3 N.L. seeds and 1 bag seed. Still trying to germ Mazr afhan, i will get it today. Lazy. I gotta soak it first then throw it in. This is a Stealth Hydro DWC system. No Nutes, and 1 root really showing between the 4 so far but i thought i shud get started. Of the seeds the most healthy (not the biggest) looking is the seed i soaked in waterm germed in a paper towel and then put in the cube. It has nicest leaves/ However the seed i started in the cube has a day or so more to catch up. The one i germed then left without enough water to the cube becasue all those rw nazis yelling dont over water is looking a little tall and odd in the cotelydons for my taste. I worried that she a he. Thanks to roseman who pmd me with the advice to keep the rw saturated! Not to let it stay on the dry side. Good luck on your grow. The last pic is of the test run ig to now woth some bag seed in my just completed system using pvc and 2 liter bottles. I got 4 plants. 2 were vegged for 1 month under cfls and 2 were put from clone to flower. I def recomend some, it si sad. One you can see i lollpopped in flower as an experiment the other i did not touch. One vegger i topped crazily using my fingernails and has grown back and is fine. Helathy and moving along forwared ok. The other got stunted when its roots got ripped and the recovery is about a third the size as it could have been. I consider these 2 havig a good shot at some buds until my true goal of NL indica and mazar is acheived. CANT wait!


Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
How true!! Getting them out of the ground is one thing; having them survive our "care" for 4-6 months is another. :wall:
What a pain in the arse they are and i was lead to belive they where quite easy to grow! lol not so lucky, ha

Nah they arent that bad once you get the hang of it but they are very very sensative to heat just one degree can make the difference between a healthy plant and a wilted poorly one!

The one i germed then left without enough water to the cube becasue all those rw nazis yelling dont over water is looking a little tall and odd in the cotelydons for my taste. I worried that she a he.

Ive got exactly the same thing with my bag seed didnt leave it to go dry but its looking rather tall and odd probs a male i think! see if she fancies my nice northern lights lol

Good luck with them too matey keep us posted on how they come along! im just in the process of adding pics of my NL that was germed on the 20th and also the 2 bag seed that have now broken the soil (was veeeeeeeeeeeeery nice weed too) so ive got high hopes!


Active Member
either its me or the pics of his 3 NL and 1 bagseed sproutlings all say 1-04-2000 just reminding every1 its 2008 WOW Whats up with that E-Harmony


Well-Known Member
(feel free to rep me for the advice, 2 days without a heating pad and nothing a few hours on a house hold heating pad on low and magic!)

To whatever idiot -repped me for this. U suck. That's called a joke asshole. :wall: . .. . . . .and i am sorry to so offend


Well-Known Member
either its me or the pics of his 3 NL and 1 bagseed sproutlings all say 1-04-2000 just reminding every1 its 2008 WOW Whats up with that E-Harmony

I am playing 007. confusing pigs. RARRRRRRRRRRR Thanks guys and girls (i hope) lol for reading my thread.


Well-Known Member
if you are like me then northern lights seeds you now know like a heating pad on low under a plate with a bowl covering it. They dont just like it they love it! Few hours on a heating pad and boom. Man were these guys giving me toruble but i was a royal half ass at it thinking my previous runs of good luck were all i needed. Lol. Now on to presoaked rw cubes with a little lemon juice and plastic cups misteed with fliltered water, Still on the heating pad i think! This is my first time germing with rockwool. Hope yu all understand
I guess i don't quite understand what your trying to do. Are you planting seeds? Cuttings? What happened to make you think they love it? and I assume they love the heating pad? you weren't very clear on this.


Well-Known Member
uh, seeds.sorry man, just having fun. They would not germ so as any expectant daddy i got a little excited when with the addition of a heating pad they did. Lol, thought in my boredom i would update my post/ I'll stop wasting forum space if ya think man. It kinda a nice way to track my progress as i dont want to screw up rw germing. Kinda daunting waiting for roots to grw. The time it takes, so i posted.Apologies