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  1. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    Refering to bubba kushy:) Lol, I an idiot, reps! Ypu were joking. Tis internet thing has me. Should i be a ht head or should i calmly figure you out to be an adult and no the sterotype of a 15 year old punk i am supposed deal with semi rationally with my adult stoner smoke coming out my...
  2. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    That heat thing scares me too. I have the worst probs with heat. Thank god this is a winter grow. I might just run a seprate pipe from a window airconditner to the tent. Put the theronsats in the tent too, lol/
  3. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    wow, thats all i can say, lol. I aint fixing my camera but maybe i'll get a newspaper, or maybe i'll fix my camera. Jesus, they just seeds not an entire 25 pound with a flashlight harvest. hehe they real, sadly, just babies still. However tonight i will have a photo unless you are a cop. I knew...
  4. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    I like the thought that they are warm blooded seeds at heart and need a little warmth to get their start. I read that was true of indicas/ It reminds them of their home, lol
  5. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    uh, seeds.sorry man, just having fun. They would not germ so as any expectant daddy i got a little excited when with the addition of a heating pad they did. Lol, thought in my boredom i would update my post/ I'll stop wasting forum space if ya think man. It kinda a nice way to track my...
  6. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    I am playing 007. confusing pigs. RARRRRRRRRRRR Thanks guys and girls (i hope) lol for reading my thread. (
  7. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    To whatever idiot -repped me for this. U suck. That's called a joke asshole. :wall: . .. . . . .and i am sorry to so offend
  8. Eharmony420

    MYTHBUSTERS:19 plants from seed 2-10gal bins

    thats like ym gorw before i decided that will never work and went out and became hydro god and so on. Lol, reps. I am ok becasue you see life is a learning adventure lol and la la la i am so jealous
  9. Eharmony420

    Northern lights like a little heat!

    :lol:Hear they are. 3 N.L. seeds and 1 bag seed. Still trying to germ Mazr afhan, i will get it today. Lazy. I gotta soak it first then throw it in. This is a Stealth Hydro DWC system. No Nutes, and 1 root really showing between the 4 so far but i thought i shud get started. Of the seeds...
  10. Eharmony420

    6" Centrifugal Fan

    I use 6 inch inline loud fan while at work and all day too with blankets thrown over the duct and the fan and over the filter which is where all the seems to spout. At night it cools off and ijust run a duct booster which i have alreay inline with inline fan. Keeps it good. Just the same i...
  11. Eharmony420

    90 Degree growbox.

    an intake fan will ehlp lower the temp also. Also try and use fresh air. These things can keep the temp down adn wowo the platns love that. My fist experimental crop was highly retarded by high temps. The buds look like used cutips.It was crazy, so now under 85 for me.
  12. Eharmony420

    digital ballasts and grow tents. Help?

    lol, nice job with the ac, i have the same idea. Struggling to keep the 90s in tha afternoon form hitting. pisses me off, the whole day i at 80s on average and for a few hours while i am at work the sun hits and i get 90s for 130 min. So lucky you, nice tent. I paid for my tent and i can see...
  13. Eharmony420

    To All Larger-Scale Apartment Growers! New Cali Resident!

    thats the oddest post ending. Lol, at 6 am i did not expect read anything funny. ty
  14. Eharmony420

    First grow video hydro-check it out!!! Will i be able to produce nice buds or what?!?

    ! aprayer is all ypu are using? The reslutlts look awesome for one sprayer. From what i read I am supposed to be using 10 mini heads. If your one head result works then cool, i got no worries about my aero crop. I put it off for an ebb and flo becasue i did not want to risk a "crop" right...
  15. Eharmony420

    Deep Water Culture Cloning/Air layer Cloning

    I used a coffee can and got 5 clones. Bubble
  16. Eharmony420

    is this carbon filter effective?

    EDIT,lol,ijustput an incense stick nextto the filter and it sucked all the air in and cleaned it good. The arrows actually point the other way than the airflo. Weird. It is not so bad i am sorry i said previously it was weak. Pulls ok.
  17. Eharmony420

    need advice on fogger

    I like the 360 msiters and the toro 90 degree foggers in the home depot garden isle with a 500 gph pump. Could go lower but hey lower is lower and you can imagine why. I have a 370 gph pump i tied out the stuff with and it was more than adequate to get them to work but they gotta pump a lot of...
  18. Eharmony420

    first hydro, gonna need a walkthrough

    I hand dipped rw net pot for a while, just a min or so and wow it took off. I hear rw flood is a few min. 1x a day at lights on. Thats what I did, worked like char. I use the system in my avatar now with tire mulch. Gotta flood every 2 hours or death. lol, this thread a lotta fun, cg...
  19. Eharmony420

    Hydroponic Poll

    Whoa, i can help AL? No frickin way. Maybe i just tired and read wrong. Battery backup airpumps are on the shelves at my local petshop. No big deal at all there and they are cheap. You wouldnt want your fish to die, hehe!
  20. Eharmony420

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey stinkbud, thanks for posting your aerocloner plans! I can follow the plans and still have a good time, saved me the trouble of using my brain. Thats how I built my avatar. So i posting this cuz i alraeady repped you too much. Rockin>