Germing tips and methods


Well-Known Member
i have tryed a few different ways but i wanted to know what other methods are out there and how successful they are. share any germ methods that have a 50% or better Germ Rate


Well-Known Member
If you want you could just leave the seed in the soil and water it however when germinating the seed needs to be wet at all times.

Most people use the paper towel method but how you germinate them is more of a personal choice.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 ways and have worked 100% for me all the time

method 1: Put the seed in a peat pellet and in about a week under the humidity dome the plant will sprout into a nice lil plant

method 2: Take a plate, 2 paper towels and a bowl to fit over the plate. Fold the paper towels a bit andspray with alot of water, place the seeds in the middle of the paper towels then place the bowl over and place in a warm area and re-spray the paper towels when needed wich will b often. in a few hours the seed will crack and in 2-3 days the seed will be ready to put in soil.


Well-Known Member
i have used the paper towel method with great success and also putting the seed in a cup of water.


Well-Known Member
I always lay my seeds out between two layers of wet paper towels. Then I plant them in soil when the root tip grows to a length of about 2cm. Using the paper towel method, I've never had less than a 90% germination rate.


Well-Known Member
what about putting the germed seed in rw? i am trying that with my good beans and 4 days later no success. please any adive. i dipthe rw in 7-10 ml of water every day or 2 when the cube is getting lighter. no smells and well it odd.


Well-Known Member
I recomend the papertowel method. just wet a paper towel, wring it out, throw some beans on, fold it over the beans, put it in a ziploc bag, and put it on your cable box [i actually just turned my digital camera on and put it next to the bag-o-beans]


Well-Known Member
me nl seeds spruted today. germed in paper towles. then to rw. 7=10 ml of water. when needed. every other day or so. the weight in hand method/


Well-Known Member
^^^^ same here..I've got about 90% success.... I like to see them so I can take the stronger fast growing ones... Luck.


Well-Known Member
how long till the sprout if i do the paper towel method and then in a ziplock on the cable box? 2-3 days?


Well-Known Member
i want to cry. One of NL got turned upside down. when i chcked it was coming out of the bottom, lol/. I teased it a little to help it as it was bent in double but it ripped. It wud have been bad i bet anyway. Anyway so i with a zero still trying to get rockwool. I germed tho fine in the towels as i ahve alway dont e but before i always went to soil for 100 percent success of all ten of the beans i ever tried lol/ I used miracle grow seed starter soil. Any advice on rockwool use for germing and for using with a germed bean i desperatey need. Is it a soaked cube all the way through or just dipped in a little water? I totally confused. Perhaps i just dont have enough patients with this new method. I excited about it tho!