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  1. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    oh yeah smart guy? whats the double meaning?
  2. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    :( seriously uncool
  3. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    Urca thread? really? what kind of shit is that
  4. Urca

    Fun Facts

    um, nope, or else it would escpae back into space, which it doesnt.
  5. Urca

    What's your opinion on spanking kids?

    lol...... you crack me up
  6. Urca

    Fun Facts

    basically the sun emits long wave radiation. which pass to the earth, heats the earth up, etc. what makes our atmosphere have heat is the short wave radiation that the earth emits, but its trapped by the atmosphere, which helps warm up the earth's atmosphere
  7. Urca

    Fun Facts

    dude, there is proof, the sun does play a role, let me google it. my bad. the sun heats the earth, but the earth heats the atmospehere
  8. Urca

    Fun Facts

    idk, this is what i was taught by my geography professor, fuck, go to college and ask a geography professor
  9. Urca

    Fun Facts

    beardo, only 45% of the sun's light actually reaches the earth. the earth absorbs it, converts it, and releases it back out as the earth's own energy, not the suns
  10. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    after everything i told you, you should have known how that would make me feel
  11. Urca

    Fun Facts

    fun fact, the sun doesnt heat the earth, but the earth heats itself. the sun just gives energy to the earth, and warmth, but the earth heats itself, using the greenhouse effect. just learned this in geography
  12. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    ........................................... :/
  13. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    lol i wouldnt say im bad... ive only kissed, etc. with one dude and one dude only. he's been teaching me slowly
  14. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    you offended me more by calling me orca than with that joke. idk, i just wanted to make him feel good, and like i wanted to learn, cause eventually ill be doing it for someone im actually dating
  15. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    idk, im a fat chick, only given head once, he said it was pretty good, he obviously enjoyed himself. lol idk if thats because im fat, or because i wanted to not look stupid and make him feel good
  16. Urca

    slippin 10 years with the bloods

    carne, you're a lovely man. do i agree with you? yes and no. ive seen both ends of the spectrum, and where im from, alot of people like to come off as ignornant, loud, ghetto, ect. when black people dont act like that around here, they're called white washed or uppity. then again, lots of...
  17. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    i dont get it? lol a mouth is a mouth, doesnt matter the weight of the body that the mouth is on
  18. Urca

    When and how did you learn to roll?

    never learned, i prefer to smoke out of a pipe anyway, even though you get higher faster with joints and blunts, you waste so much weed when if you put it into a pipe the same amount of weed will give you like the same high without smoking so much
  19. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    ^what do you mean?
  20. Urca

    What's your opinion on spanking kids?

    lol maybe. idk, i dont really begrude them. i have more issues with my brother and sister telling me when i was younger no one wants me around, i should move out of their house, i messed everything up when i moved here. Or when i was on anti-depressants they used to make fun of me for taking them.