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  1. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    ill try and draw a bell sleeved dress
  2. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    thanks carne. what thread hephaestus?
  3. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol that show played in the us... i was like wtf is up with these little girls dressing like sluts, dropping out of school, getting married?
  4. Urca

    My Art

    Im not very good at it, but i thought i'd share. I draw 24/7 and still suck, but, thats why im a writer.
  5. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol sketch up some lacy bell sleeves... so beautiful, especially if the rest of the dress is stream lined, instead of poofy btw, i started an art thread... all the pictures are way old, i have some new ones though
  6. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    you know what? fuck you. i didnt do anything wrong. shit, im actually planning on saving 75% of my money. my sister blew through hers in a month. this is me getting some financial independence, so go somewhere with your bullshit taunting
  7. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    I like the dress, id just add bell sleeves because im a huge fan, and since they dont make bell sleeves for plus sized wedding dresses id like to see them on someone else. i wish i could draw clothing
  8. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    my mom would beat my ass. thats money for shit i need, like text books next semester, any bills i may have to pay, etc.
  9. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    lol but thank god im not an emo, they're weird. but yeah, weed does ease my depression. i get it really bad sometimes
  10. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    lol weed is essential to me, it mellows me out and eases my depression. plus im not such a bitch when im high, and it helps me connect to people on another level, and removes some social aniexty i may have. lol everyone i meet thinks im funny and outgoing, but if it werent for weed and faking...
  11. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    definitely. 75% is going into the bank so that i dont spend it and i have it for important shit. everything else.... honestly i need new clothes, im wearing stuff i wore as a freshman in high school, mixed in with lots of newer peices over the years, but still, i need a revamp, i need to dress...
  12. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    well its alot for me, seeing as i still cant get a fucking job
  13. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    half of it is a pell grant. but she just got her financial aid last year, and she got about 1500 for the year, and i qualify for 6000 for the year. which is alot considering one semester of a full schedule plus books is about 900 bucks
  14. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol im looking for my best artwork to put up
  15. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    well in california, you qualify for either grants or loans. grants you dont have to pay back, and loans you do. I got three grants
  16. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    lol i have to pay it back? these are federal grants, im not getting loans, im pretty sure you dont have to pay back grants.
  17. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

  18. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    lol shit, everyone just assumed it was handjobs
  19. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    ill add some of my drawings
  20. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    lol yes sir. dropping out isnt an option, cause im not handy for jobs that require hard physical labor, i need a job that uses my mind