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  1. Urca

    paternity test

    lol it was.... and it got rave reviews ;)
  2. Urca

    FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped

    Somehow i qualified for hella financial aid. like so much money. i never had a clue... my sister didnt even get a 1/4th of what i got
  3. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    hahah i just realized that
  4. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    haha id never post pics in my panties, cause i know from the boobs down i aint much to look at, but fuck it!
  5. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol damn thats harsh fdd, id hate to hear what you think about me
  6. Urca

    Product changes that piss me off

    all boxed cereals suck now, the dont taste like they did when i was a kid, now all that shit is multi grain and gluten free with 1/4th the sugar.... and kids are fatter than ever! fuck, when i was a kid cereal was so bomb, now you have to buy generic just to get the same taste, since everyone...
  7. Urca

    paternity test

    haha nope, but.. it was advice on a different issue. btw im not on here nearly as much as before
  8. Urca

    paternity test

    lol nope still a virgin over here. did take your advice though on one thing
  9. Urca

    paternity test

    lol its just a pic i saw in art history today, immeadiately made me think of strawberry shortcake. im assuming he busted inside the giant strawberry, and now we have a little strawberry shortcake
  10. Urca

    paternity test

    Man humping giant strawberry, are you sure you're not the father? Results after the break .............................................. Ok we're back with giant strawberry humping man.... and YOU ARE THE FATHER. Lets introduce you to your daughter Strawberry Shortcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    hmm, fdd did make a point... wtf y'all? lol if this thread were about bashing me or my looks or my intelligence, it'd be a party...... anyway, whatever to the haters kuroi, its your perogative on what you want to post on here. as long as it doesnt go against the terms of use, fuck everyone else
  12. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol beats what im wearing. just a cut up black t over here with jeans and black vans
  13. Urca

    You think it was a bad idea?

    its ok, cuz the girls you fuck with end up with mickey mouse hands! :)
  14. Urca

    You think it was a bad idea?

    lol well i was looking at xmas gifts for a guy, wanted to get him a st. christopher medal, saw that medal for St. Michael, and thought of how my sister is always trying to be a lone wolf, and i thought maybe it would protect her. but the more i think about it, the more i want to give it to that guy
  15. Urca

    You think it was a bad idea?

    lol my sister and i are totally different, plus she's supposedly the prettier one
  16. Urca

    You think it was a bad idea?

    ^lol whats gotten into you
  17. Urca

    You think it was a bad idea?

    lol i wonder if thats a good or a bad thing
  18. Urca

    You think it was a bad idea?

    no, she hasnt, but now that i think about it, i kinda wanna say fuck that, because she got mad at me a month before i turned 17 back in 2010 and didnt get me shit for my birthday lol maybe i could give it to someone else more worthy
  19. Urca

    You think it was a bad idea?

    Ok, so me and my sister got into a huge fight last night... but today i was browsing amazon and came across something i wanted to give her, even though she's a bitch to me at times, i thought it would be something she could appreciate. It's a St.Michael medal, and all together it cost me like 4...
  20. Urca

    It's time for a revolution, sign the RIU pe-"tit"-ion!

    the women on this sight dont even give a fuck about not being able to show boobs, but the guys who want to get a hard one are all for it. how dumb.