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  1. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    reminder, i was a child when this happened. i stuck to it for like a month, got sad, and then said fuck it, and ate normally. last year i did a diet without cheating, lost forty pounds, but my mom wouldnt acknowledge that it was good enough for her, and she kept trying to make me lose more and...
  2. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    i did lots of diets as a kid. slim fast, atkins, eating mainly lettuce.... shit ive done hella
  3. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    and whats wrong with me? hmm? yeah i may be fat, but everything else... im a pretty decent person. i dont even have problems with you
  4. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    dude i was a little kid. im not seeking pity but come on. how can you make fun of a little kid like that?
  5. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    thats really messed up. seriously. a 7 year old on a diet is sad.
  6. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    no, but my dad didnt want me to be fat. put my ass on slim fast, atkins, woke me up at five in the morning to take walks... but he ate like crap, and since i lived with him i did too
  7. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    i just ate alot, and alot of fattening stuff. and i was never really active on my own, but in school i was beating in basketball and soccer, but then the kids stopped wanting to play with me, and i got picked on alot, so i just went and hid during recess
  8. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    oh ive been on tons of diets, ever since i was 7.
  9. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    right after those pics i ballooned up. seriously, i weighed like 100 pounds in the first grade. ive always been fat, and always been made fun of for it
  10. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    huh?????????????? whats the point of that
  11. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    nope, just back from regular old french class. took my french midterm tonight
  12. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    in elementary school we had to do abdandoned mine training, where they taught us to avoid them at all costs. we learned about the gases that lurk down there, the danger, etc. lol i grew up outside of las vegas where there are lots of abandoned silver mines in the mountains
  13. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    off to french class. have fun with the handstands mmj
  14. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    thats all im gonna say. it was a joke by raw. the end.
  15. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    lol no, its just raw made that trying to convince me to lose my virginity
  16. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    well recently yeah, its been me... in the past it was other people. i guess i just need to chill out, get high, say fuck it
  17. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    i put it up because it was funny. agreed, it is kinda lame. along with my name calling. but planning on working on that
  18. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    nope, not mad at you mmj, just at that stupid fucking pic
  19. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    please. i already catch enough flak, so that kind of thing doesnt help
  20. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    yeah, my question is why you're such a dick. seriously, not cool at all about making that, and furthering that kind of thing