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  1. Urca

    If you like poetry

    lol just let it flow, it doesnt have to rhyme. lol ill type one right now, spur of the moment... then you should try it too
  2. Urca

    If you like poetry

    do you write poetry ganjames?
  3. Urca

    I think I might hate my dad

    well wow, if you just throw shit in your dad's house, of course he'll want you gone. not saying what your dad did is right, but if you want to make him look like the asshole, then you gotta be an angel. dont smoke weed in his house. dont throw the shit he bought you around. and if he still acts...
  4. Urca

    If you like poetry

    its beautiful. really beautiful. i write poetry, im not half bad
  5. Urca

    If you like poetry

    ^ very nice. id post some of mine, but i dont have it on this laptop
  6. Urca

    If you like poetry
  7. Urca

    Are you honest?

    im extremely blunt and honest, unless im in some kind of trouble, then i lie my ass off. but if i like the person, or if i dont want to offend, im still honest, i just word it better or leave some of the sentence out
  8. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    fuck it, im just going to continue to be honest. why pussy foot around how i feel or what i think? if i change for what you guys want me to be, that'd make me a coward
  9. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    oh i wont. i know better
  10. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    lol not really. i'd just like to be a more perfect version of myself. nose not so big, no skin condition, and not so fat. id be happy with everything else. btw thank you kuroi for sticking up for me, im glad someone did
  11. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    they are so many asians in cali, that asians run asian stores, and they corner the market in some areas, alot of my friends are asian
  12. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    yes, because im black and skinny too, right?
  13. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    well shit my dad made me drink it three times a day with a small dinner.... i nearly fainted from hunger.
  14. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    you know what? i tried to stop posting threads, tried to stop being a bitch when i felt disrespected like april asked me to earlier in the night. and right after i did that, every one started tearing me a new one, and did i say anything rude or mean back? nope. and now im being told i brought...
  15. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    excuse me? yeah, i am a bit facetious lately, but i do not bring it upon myself. why should i sit back and let people rip me? yeah, because i start threads about bashing me, or i start talking crap on myself. really? bring it on myself? your kidding
  16. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    throwing it out there as bully fodder? dude, im just being real. no need to front. life is embarrassing, it can suck, but its also funny and happy too.... i post about all parts of my life, even the bad parts
  17. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    fuck no, i used to be able to do the splits all directions like a mofo though
  18. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    im always very blatantly honest unless i lie to not get into troube, lol. my honesty makes me enemies and well, im just a blunt person. i try not to seek pity, but i will say how i feel or what i know, and ive been like that since i was like 3, at least in my mom's reckening.
  19. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    really uncalled for. you asked me my reasons, there you go. btw i cant help the depression, runs in the family, so the whole pity thing is bunk
  20. Urca

    tried to do a handstand...

    no, i was still fat after i lost the weight, but i was sad and bitter because i still didnt feel good enough, so i said fuck it, ill just be careful with what i eat. and that never ended up working out like that. btw slojo, the whole suicide thing.... really uncool, ive strugged with...