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  1. Urca

    what are your hot spots?

    lol wtf????/
  2. Urca

    what are your hot spots?

    lol well whats the one place that a person can kiss or whatever that gets you all fired up? we were talking about this before class today, like a group of 5 girls. so whats your opinion? most of the girls said neck, i said ear, and a girl said her collarbone
  3. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol i just picked up some weed not even five minutes ago, if you were here i'd share :) <3
  4. Urca

    Good Kids do exist!!!

    what the fuck why did they do it to that guy? and that other guy is amazing for helping him
  5. Urca

    thread jacking!!! have at it

    lol im stressing out. haha i got art history with a guy and we've been flirting, but i decided to wear my hair in a bun today, before i realized that my neck is beet red from my skin condition. fuck. i just gotta find a shirt with a high collar
  6. Urca

    a little gift from my son

    wow, i wish my dad did that for me. but weed is just an aide in our bonding, we can talk for hours and hours without it
  7. Urca

    a little gift from my son

    i love smoking with my dad, its so chill. and we already have a great relationship, but when we smoke it just gets better
  8. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    lol the basics do count... lol this made me laugh so hard
  9. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    lol i forgive you of all things raw. which is why you are still my sig. lol nah like i already mentioned, i know guys dont like going down on big chicks, i can see why it would be considered gross, so im not complaining
  10. Urca

    Does Everyone Want To Lick Your Vagina?

    lol i cant picture someone licking my vjj, much less licking my asshole. thats a no no FUCK NO
  11. Urca

    i <3 amazon

    fucking amazon, didnt get my medal today...... fuck and i just realized it was so cheap cause it didnt have a chain, and idk where to get a chain for a guy
  12. Urca

    Who has the best Avatar picture ?

    im going with me dressed up for halloween as a kid... i was so dramatic
  13. Urca

    i <3 amazon

    lol i didnt know that, but i dont mind paying shipping
  14. Urca

    What is Love?

    lol i love night at the roxbury, so funny
  15. Urca

    i <3 amazon

    lol i get what i want for cheap, love it
  16. Urca

    i <3 amazon

    i got my macbeth dvd with patrick stewart and its fucking awesome, and im supposed to get my medal today in the mail. So, im gonna go get a dub, get lit, and watch macbeth. yeah boy! i am pumped.
  17. Urca

    What's your opinion on spanking kids?

    I actually happen to really like that movie. its so sad
  18. Urca

    question for blunt smokers

    i fucking love white grape, its my favorite for a blunt. we smoke alot of blueberry swishers though, because its the cheapest
  19. Urca

    What's your opinion on spanking kids?

    well good for you and your wife. i live in ca, rent isnt cheap, bills arent cheap, i dont even know how to drive, im trying to get a job, so i live with my mother. so does my older sister who works full time yet still cant afford to move out. good for you who can move out right after you...
  20. Urca

    What's your opinion on spanking kids?

    yeah because trying to get a job and going to school full time makes me not try at life. hmm.... go spew your hate somewhere else