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  1. Eharmony420

    Ozone Generators...

    oops cant buy the ball. it uses corona discharge but for 30 dollars more at bghydro I can get this . the titan bar generator with a light. gotta love bg hydro.
  2. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    damn these widow cindy seeds are hrd to germ. i got heat and all under. my nl was out like a shot from a gun. so was the fem cheese. so were the last 2 widwo cindys. the only thng diferent is a little hydorguard in the solution. also a little superthrive. I hope i did not fuck them up.
  3. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    nah, alcoholic. deprived my body of b1 for 10 years. fried all the nerves in my lower leg. they actually all fire in pain 24/7. lol. gave myself cirhosis, sorry about spelling, before i was thirty. no drink in 2 years. but after I stopped all this shit started. fuck i was clean and loving...
  4. Eharmony420

    Can't use H2O2 (?), alternatives?

    i use hydroguard. i have had no probs with nats or roots. i got traps. no bugs. good luck man.
  5. Eharmony420

    Ozone Generators...

    I am about to buy the ball generator. you may have seen it. I grow in my huge bedroom in tents. I have scrubbers and filters and still I got smell. I figure an ozone generator will clean the tent exhaust placed on roof of the tent which is stinking. I also hope that it will help with the small...
  6. Eharmony420

    carbon filter still smell a sweet smell in room!!

    i am thihnking of spendng 130 -160 on an ozonato tomorow now. that is a lot right now for me. i am looking at the ball or the rectangle generator. i am sure you have seen them. i worry about 2 much ozone in the air. they say safe. so I hope it is safe for me too.
  7. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    the latina just called and hung up. my legs are tingling with neuropathy. ow. time to smoke more. the opiates usuallt take care of this. hey, being stoned is fun. rofl, !!! i got northern lights 4 weeks in, not ready yet. just getting sticky. covered in sugar. i cant beleive she called...
  8. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    i just called the latina. her voice mail is a song "never again". she will call. lol.
  9. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    oh yeah, the latina girl freind and I just back together and again and broke up. I am avoiding her. she is crazy. dont ask.
  10. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    lol, not really. or at least I dont notice it. hehe. I was a drunk. I still party when I crap. i mean i feel ok with life. I am watching the green planet getting stoned. I might sit this withdrawl out. if you are a pain petient like me then withdrawl is a joke.
  11. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    Well it's been a whole day off opiates. I left work early. I have benaydryl and immodium for later.\ Right now I have a mountain og gabapentyn and some sativa I think good bud. lost my glass pipe, lol. got my one toke fake cigarette. pain in legs unbearable. i ate all the meds...
  12. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    well i hope I can handle their needs. Women, lol. it's been a few days. not much news. I have 8 widow cindys germing. they are still under paper towel. i know you said to do otherwise, earl, :( but it;s all I got on hand except for some shitty nuted off soil I used for a ficus I got as a...
  13. Eharmony420

    carbon filter still smell a sweet smell in room!!

    I am going 2 add another charcoal filter. That is my only solution. That an maybe better piping. The dollar more insulated crap. I will put the new one on the end of the piping. So 2 filters on each side.
  14. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    Good news! I begun germing 8 more widow cindys. I am excited. Pics of all coming. My NL cloning project wont be ready for next grow so I gotta start this now. My tried and true method. Except this time I will be springing for ro water and hydroguard and superthrive to begin the little girl...
  15. Eharmony420

    Rockwool VS Jiffy Pots

    that is what I do. well i presoak in water first. then to paper towel, as other towel users do, then to rw. cover with a peice of the stuff. I put it into a seed dome or cover with a clear plastic cup with holes. In a day or so it should pop up.:-P
  16. Eharmony420

    strain to help kick opiates

    2 more days supply of morphine then I go off. Lol, I took a little too much of my supply for christmas. Dont know how it happened. Anyway. mine wont be that hard. Lotta hating life in general running out both holes etc. By the time its gone I will get more pills in the mail. That I hate. But the...
  17. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    i will be ok, lol. Ty earl for all your help. I will be sure to send you some widow buds. To hold anyone over as my boring seedling furthe enfold past cotelydon to beginning leaf hear are pics of a 4 week nothern light. In full flower her splendour complete, LST"D!!!, and doing fine with a...
  18. Eharmony420

    A few questions RE ebb+flow / flood+drain

    I did not use hydroton ont he table so I could move the plants around. That is my tweeker side. Does it make that much diference I wonder.
  19. Eharmony420

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    damn dude! Tell us more. How High do you keep your light? What kind of bulb do you use? Aesome grow. Reps.