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  1. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    i got good news, another wc seed popped up the rockwool. so that is three. there are a few more going into rockwool tonight from the paper towel. one is still inside rw. this happened only once before nd I lost her. it was an errant nl so even the almighty nl had a prob. so far the other 2...
  2. Eharmony420

    Killed my plant - what to do? 9-10 weeks of flower

    i beleive it. i have seen pounds. not me, but pics of dudes and dudettes's plants. i dont see why it is not possible. i wanna see pics thou cool.
  3. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    i cant beleive this. i just typed a whol page and it got deleted when i clicked on post. i using my crappy lap top to save electricity. hehe:) update. widow cindys are taking off. looking very good. RO water, hydorguard, superthrive. all smiles from them since dropping the tap water, h202...
  4. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    i cant beleive this. i just typed a whol page and it got deleted when i clicked on post. i using my crappy lap top to save electricity. hehe:) update. widow cindys are taking off. looking very good. RO water, hydorguard, superthrive. all smiles from them since dropping the tap water, h202...
  5. Eharmony420

    VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

    our politicians all look desperaate for our approval. good sign. first i thought they look like kids ir something. :weed:
  6. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    also h feels a lot like oxycodone. in fact the same. if i m doing it right.
  7. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    lol, first off dont worry, it was just a lyer of skin that i was bored with. a joke on my part. second it is oxycodone. codeine is a joke. oxycodone is better than god. third. i am not that excited about the heroin. it is becsue i have to work and i cant go in with explosive diarhea and...
  8. Eharmony420

    Acid newbie

    never had a bd trip here either. :) my first time i dropped at work in high school. i went home and just sat on my window sill, with my feet dangling over board, watching the clouds form awe-some thundering seens and doing bongloads. next morning I ran around high school telling everyone how...
  9. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    i failed miserably t withdrawl. lol. i will succeed next time. hehehe/
  10. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    you could rep me. if you are a girl i will rep you. lol. this is the heroin talking. damn i gotta learn how to shoot up. i got my needle dn the damn internet instructions. but it is sees like I need a degree to do it. rep is not supposed to be contest. but it gives a little light in ym...
  11. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    whatver doesnt kill you mkes you stronger. so i am having a fucked up adventure where i can just get loaded if reality sinks in. like the fact my apt reaks but i dont get my uv ozontor for a few days. It;s always a party at camp poncho. i love that cartoon.
  12. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    My drug history. at 14 i smoked my first weed. I fell in love. i was happy before it and in fact made fun of the stupidty of drug users like good ol porject dare warned us too. But it ws like I ws happier than happy. Like hppiness nd feeling good just got schooled. this is for me I said. I m...
  13. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    yeah i beat that! you see I wnted to sty reletively "sober" when I ws in rehab. A live in rehab where being high was a no-no. I took it all seriously but i needed according to my docs the pills. so i would take hlfs.take on oxycodone. it splits easily. i would take half. i would not get...
  14. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    lol, i know. actually screw the lol. on the way home from scoring I was feeling depressed about it all. I feel trapped and thats not just rationalising. I was sober for 2.5 years. well no alcohol. they kept me pumped fool of opiates. qulity of life. i was allowed they said to keep a...
  15. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    I just bought an ro machine earl. hehe. it is protable 4 stage with di. lso i just got a titan uv ozontor. a uv model not corona discharge. i am hoping that those 2 probs are solved. I am broke now. I got 2 more widow cindys left. My 2 germed seeds are doing well. I got to post, today hs...
  16. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    I caved in. I bought a gram of heroin. black tar. lol. this is a little read post though it looks like for my own amusement. i mean i hope nobody actually expected o'l eh420 to stay sober through explosive diareha. anyway i shit out a ways to get shooting up down. i mean i suck at it...
  17. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    for chrisakes, thnk god for weed. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! lol, the pin is insane. i gotta smoke every 20 minutes. that is to keeo the pain away. gott shop today 2. gonn buy a titan tody.
  18. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    I her that "hell". I cannot fucking sleep. weed feels good. i am ok, like that. but my head hurts and I am running out both my holes. lol. found the immodium again. safe. big headache now. just gonna be awake today.
  19. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    crap if I know. I seeded a girl I had and have had 100 percent success so far practicing germing. some seeds were in pretty bd shape. broken. IDK> sure the seeds manufacturer did a good job. lol. I cant post pics for some reason. pop up blovker is prob it.
  20. Eharmony420

    My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!

    I am not doing so bad withdrwl wise. the mj helped a ton. a sativa. BUT the pain is fricking bad!!!!!!!!!!OW!!! my legs are on fire. hehe, they hurt like wild. i think i gotta score some brown 2 morow. but i will try not too. we will see but normally i m sleep by now. alcohol gave me sick...